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It would be more chancy than landing at the E-Stat or in the Big Burn to gauge it just right and put them down on the Terraport apron where they could not be flamed out without destroying too much, where their very position would give them a bargaining point, was going to be a top star job. If Rip could only pull it off!

I remained several days at the Peninsula, making an excursion into the lava beds in company with Capt. Bancroft of the artillery, and with Bogus Chancy as guide. We explored many of the caves, at least as far as we were able with poor lighting material at our command. I then started to overtake the volunteers, coming up with them before reaching Jacksonville, where Capt.

I tell you what I think, and my opinion ought to be worth a lot, lemme tell you, I think there's something back of all this that wasn't brought out in the trial. Now here's something I bet not one of you fellers has thought about. What evidence is there that this Chancy woman is that deaf man's sister? Not a blamed word of evidence, except their own statement.

Before he knew it, tender, consoling words had sprung to his lips. "Don't cry, dear; don't cry!" he said. "You'll feel better about it presently. We all go through it, and it's beastly, I know, I know. But it won't last. Nothing does in this chancy world. So what's the good of fretting?" She could not tell him. Her trouble was too immense at that moment to bear discussion. But he comforted her.

"He came on from Phoenix because I wired him to," put in Hill. "He's helpin' me locate my father." "It was Clancy's judgment, I'll bet," observed Burton, "that kept you from going to San Diego?" "Now you are shouting. I was bound to go there, but Chancy held me back and steered me toward Catalina island." Katz's eyes passed from Clancy to Hill.

There was, perhaps, a certain wisdom in this, a wisdom of a dashing chancy nature. Fortune favours the brave; and the world certainly gives the most credit to those who are able to give an unlimited credit to themselves. But there was certainly risk in the life he led.

Elspeth was unco clever in her young days, as I can mind right weel, but there was aye a word o' her no being that chancy. Ane suldna speak ill o' the dead mair by token, o' ane's cummer and neighbour but there was queer things said about a leddy and a bairn or she left the Craigburnfoot.

That language is a musical one, but its oaths are very harsh in sound. A battered "stove-pipe" hat was found among the spoils turned over to Captain Chancy. Placing it on his head jauntily, he turned to us, saying, Adios, and went strutting down the street, the picture of gratified vanity.

A flank charge at close range may catch the most experienced man; and even when clearly seen, it is difficult to stop. The buffalo's wide bosses are a helmet to his brain, and the body shot is always chancy. The beast tosses his victim, or tramples him, or pushes him against a tree to crush him like a fly.

That's my name, you know, Chancy De Benville always game to take a chance. Is that your yacht?" "No. My father and I are merely passengers." "So you trailed the old skeezicks along with you? Well, that's right. Make the most of your father while you've got him. If I'd paid more attention to mine I'd have been better off now. But I was wild."