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Captain Brady's fingers itched to grasp that gray champion's bridle thong and he was the kind of a man to do so, with half a chance. But it was not to be, this time. At dusk that night he boldly entered the town. He did not find the horse; nevertheless he slipped about, as much an Indian as any Wyandot and his heart was in his throat at every step. The air fairly bristled with danger.

As the smith Mimer, so dwarfish in stature, tolled up the steep hillside, Amilias smiled to see him; for he felt no fear of the slender, gleaming blade that was to try the metal of his war coat. And already a shout or expectant triumph went up from the throats of the Burgundian hosts, so sure were they of their champion's success.

If we succeeded we were going to write to The Times or some such paper and tell what we had done anonymously, of course just to show how necessary Champion's Bill is." "Have you written the letter?" "Yes." "I wouldn't send it if I were you." "Well, that's what Robin here has been saying."

The Frenchman, instead of being sent to the bottom, having knocked away the Champion's main-topmast and cut up her rigging, had managed to get off and run out of sight before her damages could be repaired. Captain Olding had chased in the direction the Coquille had last been seen, but had failed to come up with her, and was compelled to steer for Waterford.

The same soft white hand that bound the wound and scraped the lint; the same gentle voice that sung the mystic rune, that helped the child-bearing woman, or drew the arrow-head from the dying champion's breast; the same bright eye that gazed up to heaven in ecstacy through the sacred grove and read the will of the Gods when the mystic tablets and rune-carved lots were cast all these, if the will were bad, if the soothsayer passed into the false prophetess, the leech into a poisoner, and the priestess into a witch, were as potent and terrible for ill as they had once been powerful for good.

The wind, however, held and the sun went down, when the stranger, setting flying sails above her royals, stood almost across the Champion's bows. "Try her with our foremost gun," cried the commander to the second lieutenant, who had gone to his station forward.

He had at this time a larger force than I had had at any time prior to the battle of Champion's Hill. As soon as the news of the arrival of the Union army behind Vicksburg reached the North, floods of visitors began to pour in.

Garth, in his blindness, remained quite still; listening and considering. At length he asked slowly: "Did he say whose voice?" "Yes, for I asked him. He said it was Miss Champion's." Garth's head dropped back upon the pillow.

McClernand took up the ground to his left and extended as far towards Warrenton as he could, keeping a continuous line. On the 19th there was constant skirmishing with the enemy while we were getting into better position. The enemy had been much demoralized by his defeats at Champion's Hill and the Big Black, and I believed he would not make much effort to hold Vicksburg.

It was a young woman, with as many white muslin flounces round her as the planet Saturn has rings, that did it. She gave the music-stool a twirl or two and fluffed down on to it like a whirl of soap-suds in a hand-basin. Then she pushed up her cuffs as if she was going to fight for the champion's belt.