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Three or four sparsely furnished rooms opened out of the living-room, and the corridor made a cool resting-place for the wayfaring men who often rode up to the house at sundown, and for whose tired limbs a catre and a rug were sufficient for a night of dreamless slumber. 'All the same, said Peter to himself, 'we don't seem to get much forrader in our search for the missing heir.

Here I hire a catre and four boys to carry me to Bazaim: these catres are a kind of travelling couches, in which you may either lie or sit, which the boys, whose business is the same with that of chairmen in our country, support upon their shoulders by two poles, and carry a passenger at the rate of eighteen or twenty miles a day.

The latter is inside the square tent, in pleasanter companionship. He is seated upon a catre, Adela by his side, her hand clasping his. This without any bashfulness or reserve at her brother being present. Which he is, along with the dear old doctor, both now released from their bonds. It is a tableau of true love, wreathed with fraternal affection.

Reflecting, however, that there was considerable work still before him, he submitted to stretching himself on a catré and after a short doze and a bath and some breakfast he took up again the thread of his story. 'I 'll not bother you with an account of E. W. Smith's life, he remarked, 'although there is a good deal in it that would surprise you.

The bed consisted of a wooden catre, or frame, supporting a large square bag of the coarsest sackcloth, half full of dried maize-leaves, and having a rent in the centre, through which to introduce the arm, and shake up the contents. The only other furniture of the room was a chair with a broken back.

She is seated on the edge of a catre, or cane bedstead, of the pallet kind, her head buried in her hands, through the white fingers of which her long golden tresses fall in rich profusion, scattered over and mingling with the fur of the great pampas wolf which serves as a sort of mattress for the bed.

I would have been more pleased that that but unfortunately it's only a swoon. Non timeo mortem in catre sed super espaldonem Bagumbayanis. Get some water!" "Don't die!" sobbed the wife. "Don't die, for they'll come and arrest you! Ay, if you die and the soldiers come, ay, ay!" The learned cousin rubbed the victim's face with water until he recovered consciousness. "Come, don't cry.

The invalid sees that he is in a room, a small one, of which the walls are wood, roughly-hewn slabs, with furniture fashioned in a style corresponding. He is lying upon a catre, or camp bedstead, rendered soft by a mattress of bearskins, while a serape of bright-coloured pattern is spread over him, serving both for blanket and counterpane.