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In one corner was a pile of dried grass and leaves, with a blanket thrown over it, evidently Don Carlos's bed. There was a camp-stool, a rude box set on end, that seemed to do duty both for dressing and writing table, since it was littered with papers, shaving materials, cigarette-cases, and a variety of other articles. Manuela spread out her arms with a despairing gesture.

Presently a low, bellowing sound was heard among the trees at a little distance. "Hark!" said Rollo, in English, putting his hand upon Carlos's shoulder. "What's that? I hear a roaring." "Hark!" said Carlos, in Spanish. "What's that? I hear a roaring."

Madeline did not press the point, although she had some sense of misgiving. Stillwell tramped in, shaking the floor with his huge boots; Alfred followed him, carrying a field-glass. "Not a hoss in sight," complained Stillwell. "Some-thin' wrong over Don Carlos's way. Miss Majesty, it'll be jest as well fer you an' Flo to hit the home trail.

Don Carlos's brows drew together and he looked chagrined. "Tell the men, Mother Dolores, that the señora is either as lacking in courage as the Englishman, or considers them such a gang of cut-throat ruffians, that she cannot be persuaded to nerve herself to face them," he said, addressing the old woman. "Tell them she is aware she is affronting them and "

"Way down there! You don't mean you follered them hoss tracks thet far?" "All the way from Don Carlos's rancho across the Mexican line. I took Nick Steele with me. Nick is the best tracker in the outfit. This trail we were on led along the foothill valleys. First we thought whoever made it was hunting for water. But they passed two ranches without watering. At Seaton's Wash they dug for water.

"I am afraid I am unable to judge the quality of Carlos's English," answered Don Hermoso, "but I beg to assure you, Senor, that your Spanish is excellent; far better, indeed, than that spoken by many of my own countrymen.

They'd stretch any point to make trouble. We're only ten miles from the border. Suppose them guerrillas got our crowd across thet border? The U. S. cavalry would foller. You-all know what thet'd mean. Mebbe Don Carlos's mind works thet way. Mebbe it don't. I reckon we'll know soon. An' now, Stewart, whatever the Don's game is, shore you're the man to outfigger him.

Valencia d'Alcantara and its Magazine a settled business, roads round gone all to mire, this Third Division, and with it the 42,000 in general, finding they had nothing to live upon, went their ways again." "Such was the credit account on Carlos's side: By gratuitous assault on Portugal, which had done him no offence; result zero, and pay your expenses.

"You certainly appear to have reason to flatter yourself on your success as a coquette, Myra," commented Lady Fermanagh drily, after listening attentively to Myra's story of Don Carlos's confession to Tony, and, incidentally, without making any mention of the fact that she had already heard the story from Tony himself over the telephone.

Only one green spot relieved the bald red of grounds and walls; and this evidently was made by the spring which had given both value and fame to Don Carlos's range. The approach to the house was through a wide courtyard, bare, stony, hard packed, with hitching-rails and watering-troughs in front of a long porch.