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You come up here in the sky and twinkle where you belong! And all night long, Mary's little nose tried to get up to the moon, and that's why it turns up at the end " And then in one grand finale of cannibalistic transport, Miss Cordelia concluded, "Oh, I could eat her up!"

"I say, Mister Mister man," said the Joker suddenly to the driver, "Was his missus sick at all?" "I dunno," replied the driver. "She might have been. He said so, anyway. I ain't got no call to call a man a liar." "See here," said the cannibalistic individual to the driver, in the tone of a man who has made up his mind for a row, "has that shanty-keeper got a wife at all?" "I believe he has."

Do they depend for protection and safety on their grotesque appearance? or do their gaudy robes disarm and enchant their ferocious and cannibalistic brethren? One of the funniest sights I ever saw was a base-ball game played here between Chinese and Japanese youngsters. What a commanding position these islands occupy in ocean navigation, as a coaling or naval station, or as a distributing point.

Don't you think, Miss Vernor, you might try to divert my mind from dwelling too cruelly on Miss Masters' defalcation by showing me what Mr. Hardcastle's grand intellect has devised for my entertainment? That bonfire yonder has a sort of cannibalistic look about it suggestive of dancing negroes and unmentionable feasts behind the flames. Shall we inspect it nearer?"

The name "Maori" is that which these aborigines gave themselves. If there were any human beings upon these islands when the Maoris first arrived, they doubtless fell a prey to the cannibalistic habits of the newcomers, whose insatiable appetite for human flesh was irrepressible.

So far we have become acquainted with two of them which recall reversions to early animal states. One of the first of such pregenital sexual organizations is the oral, or if we wish, the cannibalistic. Here the sexual activity is not yet separated from the taking of nourishment, and the contrasts within the same not yet differentiated.

I was surprised to find I could go foodless for several days and still have strength to plod ahead and maintain my interest in the scenery. The cottontail of the Rockies is the commonest and easiest source of meat, not only to the camper, but to the rabbit's cannibalistic neighbors. He is a sort of universal food a sort of staff of life to the animal world.

I had not broken myself of the habit then, and I couldn't be happy unless I had a lump as big as a baby's fist in my cheek." At the cannibalistic comparison, Schomberg muttered a faint, sickly "don't." Ricardo hitched himself up in his seat and glanced down his outstretched legs complacently. "I am tolerably light on my feet, as a general thing," he went on.

Whether it was due to the strange quality of the food, or to his long abstention, he did not know, but the meal tasted nauseous, and even cannibalistic. He ate little, and the moment he got up he felt defiled. "Let me bury this drude, where I can find it some other time," said Oceaxe. "On the next occasion, though, I shall have no Maskull with me, to shock.... Now we have to take to the river."

That she was an Episcopalian, and preferred to read her prayers rather than to listen to those written and memorised by the Presbyterian minister, seemed to be regarded as a relic of heathenish rites a thing almost cannibalistic.