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"I done told dat your case is a bad one, and dat's enuff." On Sam's returning to his master's bedside, the latter said, "Well, Sam, what do you think is the matter with him?" "His stomach is out ob order, sar," he replied. "What do you think had better be done for him?" "I tink I'd better bleed him and gib him a dose ob calomel," returned Sam.

"Whither ye're there or not, ye ought to spake, and come out and smoke the calomel of peace, and give a spalpeen a chance to crack your head, as though ye're his brother; but if ye're up to any of your thricks, make ready to go to your hunting-grounds."

"Well, this old medical outrage floated down to my shack when I sent for him. He was build like a shad, and his eyebrows was black, and his white whiskers trickled down from his chin like milk coming out of a sprinkling-pot. He had a nigger boy along carrying an old tomato-can full of calomel, and a saw.

It's like a dose of calomel for disorder of the stomach if you need it it'll cure you, an' if you don't it won't hurt you. This thing of old folks fallin' in love ain't nothin' but a disorder of the stomach anyhow." Aunt Sally again protested a poor widow was often pushed to the wall and had to take advantage of circumstances, but Uncle Davy told the Bishop to read on.

But I can vouch, upon my own experience, that no similar imputation lies against the gentlemen who prescribe large quantities of calomel in America. To give one instance in proof of this, when I was afterwards in Montgomery county, near Washington, a physician attended one of our neighbours, and complained that he was himself unwell.

The treatment consists in withholding all feed and giving the animal comfortable, quiet quarters warm quarters and protection from the cold, providing the animal with a heavy straw bed, or with blankets if necessary, if the weather is cold. From five to forty grains of calomel may be given, depending upon the size of the animal and the frequency of the dose, two or three times a day.

"I think I better bleed him and give him a dose of calomel," returned Sam. So to the latter's gratification the master let him have his own way.

It has its most frequent origin in cold, or being too much fed on stimulating and acrid food, and probably from other causes which have not yet been sufficiently developed. Here also no drastic purgative is to be admitted; it would be adding fuel to fire: not a grain of calomel should be used, if the life of the animal is valued.

The next morning the fever ran very high, and I took five more grains of calomel and ten of jalap, determined, whatever might be the case, this should be the last dose of calomel. About two o'clock in the afternoon the fever remitted, and a copious perspiration came on: there was no more headache nor thirst nor pain in the back, and the following night was comparatively a good one.

Alas! they were but few. A blanket apiece a spare pair of boots apiece some calomel and sundries from the medicine-chest a shot gun and the two best rifles and ammunition a compass, a water bottle, three knives, a comb, and a small iron cooking-pot made up the total a considerable weight for two men and a woman to drag across mountains, untravelled plains, and swamps.