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Butterwick, try to take a higher view of the matter. When you are an angel and you come back to revisit the scenes of earth, will it not fill you with sadness to see your dear ones exposed to the storm and the blast, to hunger and cold?" Butterwick. "I'm not going to be an angel; and if I was, I wouldn't come back." Gunn. "You are a poor man now.

He looked uncommonly anxious and said quickly: "I missed him. Has he come back?" "Yes; he's having his tea." "And this fellow Butterwick?" said Mr. James. "Oh, he came; and then, when he found how big Mr. Vance is, he went away. But he hasn't done with Mr. Vance not by a long chalk. He told me to tell him so," said Pollyooly. "Well, I'm glad they didn't scrap," said Mr. James in a tone of relief.

"Oh, I know those giants flabby flabby," said Mr. Reginald Butterwick; and he laughed a short, scoffing laugh which rang uneasy. "He's not flabby!" cried Pollyooly indignantly. "He's tremendously strong. Why why when he heard you were coming he smashed that chair and kicked it into the corner just because he was annoyed." Mr.

After shaking her up for a while without inducing her to move, he made up his mind that she must be jammed in the pipe and unable to budge. He wanted to cut the pipe open, but Butterwick said it would be a pity to spoil such a good spout for a mere cat. So Potts finally determined to blow her out with powder.

"Well, then, s'posin' you go in on the endowment plan and take a policy for five thousand dollars, to be paid you when you reach the age of fifty?" Butterwick. "I don't want five thousand dollars when I'm fifty. I wouldn't take it if you were to fling it at me and pay me to take it." Gunn. "I'm afraid, then, I'll have to say good-morning." Butterwick.

Butterwick was the first man to introduce that ingenious and useful implement the lawn-mower into our section of the country. As his mower was the only one in the village, it was at once in great demand. Everybody wanted to borrow it for a few days, and Butterwick lent it with such generosity that it was out most of the time, and a good many people had to wait for it.

Butterwick, the following conversation ensued: Gunn. "Mr. Butterwick, you have no insurance on your life, I believe? I dropped in to see if I can't get you to go into our company. We offer unparalleled inducements, and " Butterwick. "I don't want to insure." Gunn. "The cost is just nothing worth speaking of; a mere trifle.

Butterwick, who is a member of the society, was invited to deliver the address at the commencement of the fair. Mr. Butterwick prepared what he considered a very learned paper upon the culture of domestic fowls; and when the time arrived, he was on the platform ready to enlighten the audience.

Reginald Butterwick looked at the smallish fragments of the chair in the corner; and his face became the face of a quiet, respectable clerk. "He did, did he?" he said coldly. "Yes, and he wanted to tear you limb from limb. He said so," said Pollyooly. "That's a game two can play at," said Mr. Reginald Butterwick; but his tone lacked conviction.

"And who is Mr. Reginald Butterwick?" "He's with Messrs. Mercer & Topping; but he can always get an afternoon off to knock the stuffing out of any one, because he boxes at the Chiswick Polytechnic. And he's going to get his afternoon off to-day to knock the stuffing out of Mr. Vance." "The deuce he is!" cried Mr. James.