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"How did you get it?" asked the teacher again. Ephraim looked foolish. "Bring me your slate." Ephraim reluctantly left his place, and went up to Mr. Burbank. "What have we here?" said the teacher. "Why, you have got down the 625, and nothing else, except 45. Where did you get that answer?"

The United States uses about $12,000,000 worth of starch every year, chiefly obtained from Indian corn and potatoes. When the potato is made to yield double the amount of starch, as Burbank has proved it can yield and more, it will be understood what a large part it can be made to play in this important manufacture. Also for the production of alcohol the potato is gaining a prominent place.

I had accumulated a fund of five hundred thousand dollars for my "presidential flotation" half of it contributed by Roebuck in exchange for a promise that his son-in-law should have an ambassadorship if Burbank were elected; the other half set aside by me from the "reserve" I had formed out of the year-by-year contributions of my combine.

I had no yearning for puppetship, however exalted the title or sonorous the fame; but to be the power that selects the king-puppet of the political puppet-hierarchy, to be the power that selects and rules him, that was the logical development of my career. In Burbank I thought I had found a man worthy to wear the puppet robes, one who would glory in them.

Broad as the prairies and free in thought as the winds that sweep them, he is idiosyncratically opposed to loose and wasteful methods, to plans of empire that neglect the poor at the gate. Everything he has done has been aimed at the conservation of energy, the contraction of space, the intensification of culture. Burbank and his tribe represent in the vegetable world, Edison in the mechanical.

The first mutterings of the storm were in our summary ejection from control of the House in the midway election. If the party were not to be dismembered, I must oust Goodrich, must defeat his plans for nominating Cromwell, must nominate Burbank instead.

"Do you think the boy can play now?" "Yes, he can play most as well as Paul Beck," admitted Jedidiah. "Most as well? Paul Beck can't begin to play as well as him," returned Maria, who was not educated, and occasionally made slips in grammar. "Just as you say, Maria," answered Jedidiah, submissively; "only don't call me Mr. Burbank." "Why? Ain't that your name?" asked the young lady demurely.

The very signs on the streets spoke of the boom. It was "Lumber, Coal, and Real Estate"; "Burbank's Livery, Feed, and Sale Stable. Office of Burbank Realty Co."; or "Thronson & Larson, Grocers. Choice Lots in Thronson's Addition."

In fact, I had just discovered that Scarborough had instructed Pierson, whom he had made chairman of his campaign, not to take any money from any corporation even if it was offered. But I thought it wiser to keep this from Burbank. He sat folding a sheet of paper again and again. I let him reason it out. Finally he said: "I see your point, Harvey.

He had invented a monopoly which shared its profits with the people, and which the people trusted. He was a Luther Burbank in money and people instead of chestnuts. He raised the standard of impossibility in people, and invented a new way for human nature to work. The modern imagination takes, speaking roughly, three characteristic forms: 1.