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Next day he was drunk, and he went to Judge Thatcher's and bullyragged him, and tried to make him give up the money; but he couldn't, and then he swore he'd make the law force him.

"I hope so, at any rate. But I don't propose to break my promise." He added in his own mind that he did not intend to allow a certain topic between him and Lana Corson to get cold while he was being bullyragged by two elderly gentlemen in that study.

I am overmuch English, as is often the case with us who live in the very heart of England. The famous Mr. Johnson is a shire-fellow of mine, and very proud I am of it, and reckon it among the greatest events of my life that he has bullyragged me soundly for differing from him, and being right, about a line of Virgil he had misquoted in my hearing. Like Mr.

Rivers stared. "What could Dr. Duchesne have been thinking of? Why, we wouldn't be safe in the house with him!" Again Seth's sense of equity triumphed. "I never heard of his fightin' anybody but his own kind, and when he was bullyragged. And ez to women he's quite t'other way in fact, and that's why I think ye oughter know it afore you let him come. He don't go round with decent women.

If the law would not help, he never hesitated to employ lawlessness, of which he could always command a satisfactory supply. One night it seemed to him necessary that a child should go at once into the Infirmary. "It ain't no use my taking her now," explained the mother, "I'll only get bullyragged for disturbing 'em.

Upon this subject his wife found herself in complete disagreement with Blanchard, and did not hesitate to say so. "Martin Grimbal 's so gude a friend as any man could have, an' you did n't ought to have bullyragged him that way," she declared. "You say that! Ban't a man to speak his mind to thieves an' robbers?" "No such thing. 'T is a sacred stone an' not your property at all.

Peter, after the first week of his visit, could have given him a few new ideas. It is unpleasant to be half starved. It is unpleasant to be cooped up in a country-house in winter with nothing to do. It is unpleasant to have to sit at meals and listen to the only girl you have ever really loved being bullyragged by an old lady with six chins.

"Britt," said Saunders distinctly, "you are a blooming traitor! You told me yourself that she was used to all that sort of thing and wouldn't mind. Now, see what you do? It's it's outrageous!" He was half in tears. Then turning to Deppingham, he went on fiercely, "I won't be bullyragged by any woman, sir.

Next day he was drunk, and he went to Judge Thatcher's and bullyragged him, and tried to make him give up the money; but he couldn't, and then he swore he'd make the law force him.