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The dining-room, whose ceiling was supported by beams and decorated with paintings cleaned and restored every year, was furnished with tall oaken side-boards and buffets, on whose shelves stood many a curious piece of family china. The walls were hung with violet leather, on which designs of game and other hunting objects were stamped in gold.

The King himself giveth him blows so heavy that the Queen and all they that were at the windows marvelled how Perceval might abide such buffets. The King took witting of the shield that Perceval bare, and looketh on it of a long space. "Knight," saith he, "who gave you this shield, and on behalf of whom do you bear such an one?" "I bear it on behalf of my father," saith he.

Quit work at Washington, and moved to Camden, New Jersey where I have lived since, receiving many buffets and some precious caresses and now write these lines.

King Arthur and Briant of the Isles were in the midst of the battle, and dealt each other right great buffets. Briant's people come thither and take King Arthur by the bridle, and the King defendeth himself as a good knight, and maketh a ring about him amongst them that attack him, the same as doth a wild boar amongst the dogs.

But at one of the Court balls you would see a general pillage, the buffets besieged, and everything swallowed up amidst a scramble of amazing voracity!" To all this talk Pierre only returned monosyllabic responses.

They had not the strength to resist the wind, and at times its buffets hurled them off their feet. On several occasions the sled was overturned, and they were compelled to reload it with its sombre freight. The last hundred feet to the graves was up a steep slope, and this they took on all fours, like sled-dogs, making legs of their arms and thrusting their hands into the snow.

"And was it," I asked myself, "was it essential to exchange buffets with a 'Camberwell Chicken, to shoot and be shot at, to spur sweating and unwilling horses over dangerous fences were such things truly necessary to prove one's manhood? Assuredly not! And yet 'Ladylike!"

Before Philip Went downstairs, he inquired about Mynheer Poots. "My father has indeed troubled me much," replied Amine. "I am obliged to lock the parlour when I leave it, for more than once I have found him attempting to force the locks of the buffets. His love of gold is insatiable: he dreams of nothing else.

Then the grey Persian cat stretches itself on the window-seat, and buffets a moth with soft round paws. The skeleton is well wrapped in flesh. People still murmur over the last word said on the staircase, or strain, all through their dreams, for the voice of the alarum clock.

He was a sentimentalist, but obviously different in spirit from the two great English writers of sentiment who were most nearly his contemporaries. Thackeray is sophisticated; fortune's buffets have left him still a tender interest in life, but pity rather than hopefulness gives color to his mood.