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When the new rector first came to Brodnyx she had great hopes of fixing a match between him and Jo for Ellen was now so respectable that she had become a match-maker. But she was disappointed indeed, they both were, for Joanna had liked the looks of Mr.

There was also a two-decker pulpit at the east end and over the dim little altar hung an escutcheon of Royal George the lion and the unicorn fighting for the crown amid much scroll-work. Like most churches on the Marsh it was much too big for its parish, and if the entire population of Brodnyx and Pedlinge had flocked into it, it would not have been full.

When their recipients had done exclaiming over the waste of a penny stamp, they were further astonished to see the word "Music" written in the corner Joanna had stuck very closely to her Dungemarsh Court model. What could the music be? Was the Brodnyx Brass Band going to play? Or had Joanna hired Miss Patty Southland, who gave music lessons on the Marsh? She had done neither of these things.

Of course she had been to the Metropole at Folkestone whatever place Joanna visited, whether Brodnyx or Folkestone, she went to the best hotel so she was not uninitiated in the mysteries of hotel menus and lifts and hall porters, and other phenomena that alarm the simple-minded; but that was many years ago, and it was more years still since she had slept away from Ansdore, out of her own big bed with its feather mattress and flowered curtains, so unlike this narrow hotel arrangement, all box mattress and brass knobs.

This made Joanna and Ellen all the more conspicuous they were alone in their great horse-box of a pew, except for many prayer books and hassocks There were as many hassocks in Brodnyx church as there were sheep on the Brodnyx innings. Joanna, as usual, behaved very devoutly, and did not look about her.

She would like to see him not to talk to him of Martin, she couldn't bear that, and there would be something vaguely improper about it but he was a clergyman, for all he disguised the fact by calling himself a priest, and she would offer him the living of Brodnyx with Pedlinge and let the neighbourhood sit up as much as it liked.

It wasn't his fault that the lambs died, but because that chap at Northampton never told us what he should ought.... I tell you, I've never had anyone like him for handling sheep they're quite different with him from what they were with that rude old Fuller, barking after 'em like a dog along the Brodnyx road and bringing 'em up to Rye all raggled and draggled and dusty as mops ... he knows how to manage sheep he's like one of themselves."

Visiting priests had told him that Brodnyx church was a disgrace, with its false stresses of pew and pulpit and the lion and the unicorn dancing above the throne of the King of kings. They said he ought to have it restored. They did not trouble about where the money was to come from, but Mr.

Half mourning was not worn on the Marsh, so there was no interval of grey and violet between Joanna's hearse-like costume of crape and nodding feathers and the tan-coloured gown in which she astonished the twin parishes of Brodnyx and Pedlinge on the first Sunday in November. Her hat was of sage green and contained a bird unknown to natural history.

Joanna realized this, and being anxious that no one should miss the sight of Ellen's new magenta pelisse with facings of silver braid, she made her stand on the seat while the psalms were sung. The morning service was in Brodnyx church in the evening it would be at Pedlinge.