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I shall return it and come back with a new 'un. And I know the precise bike that I shall come back with. It's at Bostock's at Hanbridge. They've just opened a new cycle department." "Oh, Louis!" she protested. His scheme for spending money on her flattered her. But nevertheless it was a scheme for spending money.

"Time we bestirred ourselves, Bob, to find the doctor. Bob, he must have served poor Doctor Kingsmead the same." Poor Bob Bostock's head had seemed as much swollen mentally as it had been externally, but these words on the part of Carey gave a fillip to his power of thinking, and he stared at the lad with his mouth open and, instead of being stupefied and weak, he grew rapidly stronger.

For thirty hours the smell from the unopened packing-case waxed in vigour and strength. Stephen's cold grew worse and prevented him from appreciating its full beauty, but he savoured enough of it to induce him to compare it facetiously to the effluvium of a dead rat, and he said several times that Bostock's really ought to use better straw.

The plaster group called the "Boy with Great Dane" was the work of this artist and her sister, Anna Vaughan Hyatt, and is at the Bureau of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, in New York. <b>HYATT, ANNA VAUGHAN.</b> Member of the Copley Society, Boston. Born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Studied nature at Bostock's Animal Arena, Norumbega Park, and at Sportsman's Exhibition.

You can buy pretty nearly anything at Bostock's, from an art nouveau music-stool up to the highest cheese for there is a provision department.

'Do you? asked Vera, innocently. 'Yes, and you and Stephen give me something. 'Besides, Stephen doesn't quite like the music-stool. 'What's that got to do with it? You like it. I'm giving it to you, not to him. I shall go over to Bostock's tomorrow morning and get it. 'I forbid you to. 'I shall. Woodruff departed.

Look at your friend there; HE'S got some sense; he's laughing at you so as he can't stand." The exact degree of ill-feeling in Mr. Bostock's mind was difficult to gauge; perhaps there was not much, perhaps he regarded his remarks as a form of courtly badinage. But there is little doubt that Hadden resented them.

She made an opportunity, before he left for the works, to praise the Venetian vases, and she insisted that he should wrap up well, because he was showing signs of one of his bad colds. In the early afternoon she went to Bostock's emporium, at Hanbridge, to buy the cigar-cabinet and a few domestic trifles. Bostock's is a good shop.

Big Dan, drinkum, drinkum," and he made a pantomimic gesture with his hand as if tossing off a dram. Black Jackum gave a sharp glance aft to make sure that his white chief was not on deck, and then, grinning with delight, he imitated Bostock's action with his doubled hand as if drinking.

Brunt's was not exactly alarmed, for nothing could alarm Brunt's; but there was just a sort of suspicion of something in the air at Brunt's that did not make for odious self-conceit. People seemed to become intoxicated when they went into Bostock's, to close their heads in a frenzy of buying. And there the art nouveau music-stool stood in the corner, where Vera had originally seen it!