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"I rather agree with Jimmie, that we shall see something of the Diver before we leave this part of the world." "I hope so," Frank said. "Well, who's for the bottom of the sea?" demanded Jimmie. "I want to see what's down there before the Bogy Man gets me." "I don't mind going down," Ned said.

If she wishes to go, don't set an impossible bogy in the way of her enjoyment. Besides, you do not care to appear so silly as you would if you said to the doctor, 'I can't let her go on account of people's tongues, and that is the only honest excuse you can offer." So in his manly, practical way he decided it. On Saturday night Ruth stood in the drawing-room buttoning her pale suede glove.

And with the word He tucked in his head, and went off again. "The folly of childhood," sighed his mother, "Has always been my especial bother." The yellow-beaks they slept on and on They never had heard of the bogy To-morrow; But the mother sat outside, making her moan She'll soon have to beg, or steal, or borrow. For she never can tell the night before, Where she shall find one red worm more.

Without such interference there was no slightest chance of any restoration of political preponderance of the negroes over the whites. The specter of "negro domination" haunted the Southern imagination long after it had become an impossibility. Then it was used as a bogy by small politicians.

The Doctor's smile and silence were not at all like the cataleptic stare and horrible silence which he had confronted in the Professor half an hour before. About the Professor's makeup and all his antics there was always something merely grotesque, like a gollywog. Syme remembered those wild woes of yesterday as one remembers being afraid of Bogy in childhood.

Not all the dirt and squalor, however, could minimise the intense feeling of satisfaction amongst the troops at having at last conquered the bogy that had for so long prevented the advance into the Holy Land. As usual the Turks did as much damage as they could before leaving.

Counting all of the strokes and penalties it took Miss Harding fifteen to make that hole, the bogy for which is four, but I assured her that I have known men to do worse, and I believe the statement a fact, though I cannot recall at this moment who did it in such woeful figures.

And really Tom did not know; but the suspicious old bogy would not believe him. But after a while Tom began to understand a little. For, as the vapours came up out of the hole, the bogy smelt them with his nostrils, and combed them and sorted them with his combs; and then, when they steamed up through them against his wings, they were changed into showers and streams of metal.

She had been threatened with Bogy for misbehavior in church, and it was startling to find that he sat so near. She changed the subject, under a hasty remembrance of having once made a face at the parson through a hole in the bombazine curtains. "Why don't you paint with paints, Bogy?" said she. "I haven't got none, Miss," said Jan. "I've got a paint-box," said Amabel.

And perhaps he would have been, but that while he was thinking, the whole piece of ground on which he stood was torn off and blown upwards, and away flew Tom a mile up through the sea, wondering what was coming next. At last he stopped thump! and found himself tight in the legs of the most wonderful bogy which he had ever seen.