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All at once, with a violent jerk, the cord was wrested from the boatswain's hands; firmly attached, however, as it was to the raft, it was not lost. The bait had been seized by a shark, and the iron had made good its hold upon the crea- ture's flesh. "Now, then, my lads," cried the boatswain, "haul away!"

Giblock, who was the acting boatswain, though in rank he was only a boatswain's mate. He was directed to call all hands.

In the aftermost were store-rooms, shell-rooms, &c.; the midship section contained the furnaces and fire-rooms; whilst the forward compartment was occupied by the hold, the magazines, and the boatswain's and carpenter's stores.

There was no one on board to speak in my favour; no one who had known me before and how incapable I was of the act imputed to me except Iffley; and he, I felt too well assured, would do his utmost to destroy me. The two days passed no circumstance occurred, as I had hoped it might, to prove that I was innocent when the boatswain's call summoned all hands on deck to witness punishment.

"How many hands responded to the boatswain's call?" asked the principal, when the party were seated. "Less than thirty," answered Shuffles. "Twenty-eight. I had the curiosity to count them," interposed Paul. "Twenty-eight," repeated the principal. "Very well; we can " "I hope you will excuse me, sir," said Shuffles, interrupting him.

He accordingly ordered the ships to be put about, doing his utmost to raise the sinking courage of his companions. On the ships sailed, day after day, in spite of the heavy winds and seas. He himself took no repose, sharing the hardships his men were enduring, never failing to come on deck, as they did, at the sound of the boatswain's pipe.

Accordingly, on Saturdays during the dinner-hour the boatswain's mate would pipe: "Leave for badge-boy, advanced class, and drum and fife band;" As I was a badge boy, and an advanced scholar, and a flute-player, I nestled under the wing of this threefold privilege, and used to think in my boyish pride, Who indeed has more right to go ashore than I?

"You see a boatswain's an officer and wears a uniform; and he's a seaman, too, so to speak, and that's what your father wished you to be; and I'll tell you what, godson, if some of these days, when you're old enough, you becomes a boatswain, and when the war's over you goes on shore and marries Mary Ogle, so that you'll have a home of your own when I am under hatches, that's all I wishes for you.

The establishment of men and officers for the ship was as follows: 1 lieutenant to command, 1 master, 1 boatswain, 1 gunner, 1 carpenter, 1 surgeon, 2 master's mates, 2 midshipmen, 2 quarter-masters, 1 quarter-master's mate, 1 boatswain's mate, 1 gunner's mate, 1 carpenter's mate, 1 carpenter's crew, 1 sailmaker, 1 armourer, 1 corporal, 1 clerk and steward, 23 able seamen total, 44.

The wound of the boatswain's mate healed quickly, and they knew thereby that the arrows were not poisoned. More mischief would have been done if their friend the swimmer had not come running, shouting, and making signs for the boat to keep away "a great proof of gratitude," says the Spanish narrator.