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Sponge, recollecting how they had complimented him, adding, 'they seem a queer set. 'There's a fellow they call "Jack," observed Mr. Puffington, 'who acts as a sort of bulldog to his lordship, and worries whoever his lordship sets him upon. He got into a clay-hole a little farther back, and a precious splashing he was making, along with the chaplain, old Blossomnose.

'That's Master Blossomnose, observed Jawleyford, scarcely able to contain his indignation. 'That's Master Blossomnose, repeated he, taking a back hand at the port in the excitement of the moment.

Fossick was on foot, drawing his girths; Fyle was striking a light to smoke a cigar on his hack; Blossomnose and Capon's grooms were fistling and wisping their horses; Dribble, as usual, was all behind; and altogether there was such a scene of hurry and confusion as never was seen. 'As they came to the brook they got somewhat into line, and one saw who was there.

Slade, of Three-Burrow Hill; and several others. Great was the astonishment of each as the other cast up. 'Why, here's Joe Reeves! exclaimed Blossomnose. 'Who'd have thought of seeing you? 'And who'd have thought of seeing you? rejoined Reeves, shaking hands with the jolly old nose. 'Here's Tom Washball in time for once, I declare! exclaimed Mr. Fyle, as Mr.

Sponge is first! Sponge sailing away at his ease, followed by Jack, who is staring at him through his great lamps, longing to launch out at him, but as yet wanting an excuse; Sponge having ridden with judgement judgement, at least, in everything except in having taken the lead of Jack. After Jack comes old black-booted Blossomnose; and Messrs.

'Billy Button, himself! exclaimed his lordship, adding, 'never saw such a thing in my life! 'Who the deuce is he? asked Blossomnose, in the full glow of pulling-five-year-old exertion. 'Don't know, replied Jack, adding, 'he's a shaver, whoever he is. Meanwhile the frightened hounds were scattered right and left.

Old Blossomnose, who was following close behind, not making any allowance for falls, was in the air before I was well down, and his horse came with a forefoot, into my pocket, and tore the lap clean off by the skirt'; his lordship exhibiting the lap as he spoke. 'It's your new coat, too, observed Jack, examining it with concern as he spoke.

After the door had had a longer rest than usual, Blossomnose at last cast up: 'Now we're all here surely! thought he, counting about; 'one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, thirteen, fourteen, myself fifteen fifteen, fifteen, must be another sixteen, eight couple asked.

Puffington was interrupted in the comparison he was about to draw between his lordship's hounds and his, by arriving at the Bolsover brick-fields, and seeing Jack and Blossomnose, horse in hand, running to and fro, while sundry countrymen blobbed about in the clay-hole they had so recently occupied. Tom Washball, Mr. Wake, Mr. Fyle, Mr.