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Near the station they passed a squadron of the Guard sent by Wallenloup to escort the Duke back to the capital. The pair in the carriage talked little, but when the jingling of accoutrements had died away Blivinski said in an emotionless tone: 'You met with Count Sagan last night then in your dreams? 'Yes, or Duke Gustave would have been over the border by this morning. 'Ah!

'Oh, love, love, I will save you! Ten minutes later a big emblazoned footman brought Rallywood a summons from the Countess, as he stood talking to Counsellor and the Russian attaché. As he moved away Blivinski placed a bony impressive finger on Counsellor's sleeve. 'If he were not English, you could not trust him, he said enigmatically.

'And history goes to prove that reigning sovereigns are fragile ware they cannot be borrowed without danger. 'You allude to Bulgaria? Blivinski asked promptly, with an air of genial interest. 'Why, for the sake of argument, Alexander can stand as a case in point. 'If I say if we borrowed him, we also returned him.

Valerie raised her eyes to Rallywood, who stood behind the Count. As he met them the young man's stern face softened suddenly. M. Blivinski, who happened to be sitting beside her, caught the exchange of looks, and for a moment was puzzled. Selpdorf's daughter? Well, well, the English are a wonderful people, he said to himself. Neither subtle nor gifted, but lucky.

The hunting-party had already started when Blivinski and Counsellor drove out of the Castle courtyard on their way to the nearest railway station, which lay under the mountains some miles away. The tsa had blown the snow into heavy drifts, leaving the roads and other exposed places bare and almost clean-swept.

Perhaps Blivinski was right. Love of country was part of their physical equipment, yet by the irony of circumstances they were pitted against each other. 'Will you give me your parole? asked Rallywood with his back to the door. Counsellor drew out a big watch. 'For fifteen minutes, he said. 'It is now half-past nine; at forty-five minutes past I shall hold myself once more free to do what I can.

Counsellor raised his bushy eyebrows, with a humorous glance. 'We have had our day. 'Ah, my friend, you know most things. Also I know a very few, Blivinski said significantly, 'but with your nation patriotism is not a virtue, it is a part of your physical system. You sacrifice all for your country, not because it is right to do so, but simply because you cannot help it; the good God made you so.

'But there are rules ... even in beggar-my-neighbour, said the Counsellor. Blivinski kicked the rug softly from his feet as the carriage drew up. 'One rule, only one, he remarked; 'Britain loves to feign the Pharisee. We smile we others because we understand that her rule and ours is after all the same self-interest.

'It is known already to half-a-dozen; what can they do? I had it from Blivinski, the little Russian attaché, as a secret. Russia is, like nature herself, the vast reservoir of all secrets; and not one is allowed to escape, except for a purpose. Yet I wonder how it will end. Look at her! How brilliant she is.

Counsellor's reply was characteristic, and justified his companion's opinion of his race. 'Damaged so they say. Blivinski considered the dreary landscape. 'We must not believe all we hear. In diplomatic relations, my friend, ethics cease to exist. Diplomacy is after all a simple game even elementary a magnificent beggar-my-neighbour which we continue to play into eternity.