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The nurse's deposition seemed to have biased the greater part of the council in favor of the accused; but Orion did not give them time to discuss their impressions among themselves.

The girl, who, as a child, won his affections, has not, as a young woman, improved in her tastes, and character, like himself. His choice of a companion, if now to be made, would fall on one quite unlike her. There is something of this evil often attendant on protracted engagements. The affections may be biased by enlarged intercourse with the world.

All this will strike the reader at first as biased and unfair. "That was the way people lived in those days!" says the reader. No it was not the way women lived. "O, women!" says the reader, "Of course not! Women are different." Yea, women are different; and men are different! Both of them, as sexes, differ from the human norm, which is social life and all social development.

"Jim was a mighty big man in size and principles," said Lawler. "Now you're shoutin'! There wasn't no man bigger'n Jim, sideways, edgeways, or up an' down. I reckon any man would have a hard time measurin' up to Jim Lefingwell. Mebbe that's what's wrong with Warden. Folks has got Jim Lefingwell on their minds, an' they're not givin' Warden what's comin' to him, them bein' biased."

"I I thought it was very good." "From a purely literary point of view, eh? As you sat with your back to the stage your judgment was not biased by such vulgar accessories as scenery and acting. No doubt that is the way to enjoy a play. What are your engagements for to-night?" "Mine? I have none, Nevill." "Ah well, then, you might tell them to get my room ready for me. Don't go, Stanistreet."

But as the princess watched them, her feelings were strongly at variance. Admiration played the greater part. Even a much less biased mind than hers could not have failed to appreciate the wonderful grace of the man and the girl, for Nina was as graceful as he. Yet the princess looked vaguely troubled, too, at the thought that Giovanni was perhaps overstepping his privilege. "Giovanni!

The master sometimes lost control of himself and charged the slave with being full of sorcery and responsible for all the deaths of recent years. Shaking his fist in the man's face he cried: "If it wasn't for the reign of the white woman I would cut you in two! The white woman is your salvation." The slave biased with passion, but Mary entreated him to be calm.

She seemed a rival ready-made. Biased by jealous prejudice, Ingred's hastily-formed judgment reversed itself. "I'm thankful I didn't move away from Verity to sit next to her," she thought. "I expect she'll be ever so conceited and give herself airs, and the other girls will truckle to her no end. I know them! I wish to goodness she hadn't come to the College.

We need more Maurice Hewletts and Mrs. Sturge Grettons to tell us how things really are, for nothing is so difficult to visualise as what is going on slowly in one's own parish. I come lastly to co-operation. You will think me biased when I speak of its possibilities. I am.

Of the scores of books that have been written about the War of 1812, many deal with particular phases, events, or personalities, and most of them are biased by partisan feeling. This has been unfortunately true of the textbooks written for American schools, which, by ignoring defeats and blunders, have missed the opportunity to teach the lessons of experience.