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We wondered what became of the proprietor of the House of the Thousand Columns; and of the young Dutch tutor in the Berlitz School of Languages, who had served us as a guide and interpreter; and of the pretty, gentle little Flemish woman who brought us our meals in her clean, small restaurant round the corner from the Hotel de Ville; and of the kindly, red-bearded priest at the Church of Saint Jacques, who gave us ripe pears and old wine.

At one time the New York Club was housed there, and there, for years, the sign of the Berlitz School for Languages stretched across the southern face of the structure. "Were all the statues in New York made by St. Gaudens?" was the recent naïve and ingenuous question of a visitor from the West who had just completed the first two days of his stay.

And science with all its ingenuity has not yet pointed out a better way for acquiring a new language than the plan the Austens adopted at Steventon Rectory. We call it the "Berlitz Method" now. Madame Fenillade's widowhood rested lightly upon her, and she became quite the life of the whole household.

Carter," said a woman in bright yellow, coming up to them suddenly, "will you be a darling and come and talk to my French officer? The girls have all been practising their Berlitz on him, and he's almost losing his mind! Dick," added this matron, who had linked her arm about Harriet's waist, "for heaven's sake go clean up! Can't you find time to talk to your wife at home?

"What's that she said?" "She says," translated the obliging and gifted Wallie, "that monsieur is a woman-hater." "My God! I thought she didn't understand English!" "She doesn't. But she's a woman. Not only that, she's a French woman. They don't need to know a language to understand it." "Where did you get that, h'm? That wasn't included in your Berlitz course, was it?"

He accepted bribes, beat his pupils, drank considerably and he always got off easily. Zinaida Grigorievna Doulebova examined the graduating classes in French and English. These studies were optional. Inspector Poterin's wife gave instruction in French. She had not yet fully mastered the Berlitz method, and looked at the Doulebovs cringingly.

If his young friend would give him the pleasure of taking a few lessons, they could begin even now. It would while away the time on the voyage. He had his own method of teaching, a method based on the Berlitz system, but not borrowed from it, and, he ventured to say, possessing its own good points. For example: el tabaco la pipa los cigarillos. Que es esto? Esto es la pipa. Very simple.