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Besides, if you come to think of it, what else is she to do? Don't you worry, Bob; you won't lose her again." Mr. Clarkson, staring at the fire, mused darkly. For thirty years he had played the congenial part of the disappointed admirer but faithful friend. He had intended to play it for at least fifty or sixty. He wished that he had had the strength of mind to refuse the bequest when the late Mr.

O'Connell, alarmed at the import of a command so fatal, pronounced the rescript "uncanonical." This led to greater dissensions and bitterer recriminations. The prelates who condemned the Bequest Act, denounced those who accepted the task of administering it. One of the body thus writes:

"That is kind of her," was her husband's comment, "but it would be kinder to let you get it at once in the natural way. The comfort about a bequest is that you don't have to feel grateful to any live man for it." His words were brutal enough, but there was a new lightness in his tone.

"You will find an inventory of this property, and of my other possessions which I devise to you, deposited with the lawyer at Sairmeuse. "You can accept this bequest without fear; for, having no parents, my control over my property is absolute. "If you do not wish to remain in France, this property will sell for at least forty thousand francs.

And, indeed, the main basis of distinction in this new world was a purely external one the possession of wealth; and wealth was in no unreal sense the bequest of nature to capacity. Initiative and industry, rather than the dead hand of custom, marked a man for distinction and preferment.

I stood gazing back at the procession till it disappeared round a bend of the road. Its bequest of dust and smoke was quickly spent by a prodigal young breeze. Landscape and seascape were reindued with their full amenities. Ruskin would have been pleased. To what manner of wretched end was it destined? No end would have seemed bad enough for it to Ruskin.

The third part was only planned; but the first book of the first part was left in manuscript by Wordsworth though in manuscript, it is said, in no great condition of forwardness for the printers. It was well worth adding to the poet's great bequest to English literature.

The well-known editor of Herodotus, R. W. Macan, Master of University College, Oxford, in his Hellenikon. "Sir, show our Persian folk your sceptre's wings! Enlarge my sire's and brother's large bequest. This learned Greek shall guide your galleys west, and Dorian slave-girls grace our banquetings."

The head is much clearer; whether hearts are better is doubtful. After supper, and while yet the sun lingered smilingly over the Great Meadows and on the hills, behind which he sank, Dorcas, who had meanwhile adorned herself with Aunt Dorcas's bequest, broke the long silence, by whispering so low that her father's sleep should not be disturbed, "Mother, do you set much by this pin?"

His order was, "Reserve your fire until you are sure of every shot." Then he took his stand upon the quarter-deck, assured of victory, and assured that his last bequest to the British nation would be honoured sacredly about which the less we say the better.