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Truly had she said, "There is no fool like an old fool;" for John Arthur had been an easy victim. He had lost no time with his wooing, and so, a little less than two months from the day the fair widow came to Bellair, saw her mistress of John Arthur's household. A bridal tour was not to her taste, much to the delight of the bridegroom.

For Peter Bellair, high-strung, imaginative, as he will ever be, will worship the strong, kindly, simple man he believes to be his father, but to that dear father's friend he will only yield the careless affection born of gratitude for much kindness.

Charles Bellair was a Congo chief, kidnapped in his youth, and brought into Saint Domingo slavery; in which state he had remained long enough to keep all his detestation for slavery, without losing his fitness for freedom.

It might at the first glance seem difficult to reconcile the rival charms of the Basilisk and Lady Bertie and Bellair, and to understand how Tancred could be so interested in the preparations for a voyage which was to bear him from the individual in whose society he found a daily gratification. But the truth is, that Lady Bertie and Bellair was the only person who sympathised with his adventure.

But her system was not over strong; in fact, was extremely delicate. If there was any place near at hand, suited to a lady like herself, his advice was to go there without delay. She was not rugged enough to risk remaining where she was. Before sunset, Miss Arthur was quartered at the Bellair inn. She had dispatched Mr. Percy a note the day before, bidding him delay his visit.

He rang the bell, and as the door opened, Jim Bellair suddenly came into the hall, out of a room which Elwyn knew to be the smoking-room a room in which he and Fanny had at one time spent long hours in contented, nay in ecstatic, dual solitude. "I have come to inquire I only heard to-night " he began awkwardly, but the other cut him short, "Yes, yes, I understand it's awfully good of you, Elwyn!

And so it was arranged. Miss Temple, accompanied by Lord Montfort, proceeded to Bellair House. 'Don't come near me, said the old lady when she saw them; 'don't come near me; I am in despair; I do not know what I shall do; I think I shall sell all my china. Do you know anybody who wants to buy old china? They shall have it a bargain. But I must have ready money; ready money I must have.

And as he had gone about that year, petted and made much of by his friends and acquaintances for did he not bear on his worn, handsome face that look which war paints on the face of your sensitive modern man? he heard whispered the delightful news that after five years of marriage kind Jim and dear Fanny Bellair were at last going to be made happy happy in the good old way.

He turned his mare's head, and when the factor turned his, he saw the avenger already halfway back to Scaurnose, and the constables in full flight meeting him. While Malcolm was thus occupied, his sister was writing to Lady Bellair.

"Going back to Bellair; keeping an eye upon the proceedings of Mr. Arthur; finding out what game that man and woman are playing there; and baffling and punishing them all."