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"Here Learning, blinded first and then beguil'd, Looks dark as Ignorance, as Fancy wild." After dinner, when one of us talked of there being a great enmity between Whig and Tory; Johnson. 'Why not so much, I think, unless when they come into competition with each other. There is none when they are only common acquaintance, none when they are of different sexes.

Johnson made a remark this evening which struck me a good deal. Many of my readers will be surprized when I mention, that Johnson assured me he had never in his life been in a nonjuring meeting-house . "Here Learning, blinded first and then beguil'd, Looks dark as Ignorance, as Fancy wild ." Mrs. Kennicot spoke of her brother, the Reverend Mr.

The goose-pan is above the roast. The next time ye dance, wit whom ye take by the hand. Use your friend as ye would have him. Unskilfull mediciners, and horse-marshels slayes, both man and beast. Use makes perfectnesse. Well done, soon done. Wonder lasts but nine nights in a Town. We have a craw to pluck. Whatrax my Jo, I ken your coptan. Wrang hes no warrand. Wont beguil'd the Lady.

The time has been We two did love each other's company; Time was, we two had wept to have been apart: But when by show of seeming good beguil'd, I left the garb and manners of a child, And my first love for man's society, Defiling with the world my virgin heart My loved companion dropp'd a tear, and fled, And hid in deepest shades her awful head.

My senses, how were you beguil'd When you said sin was good? It hath in all parts me defil'd, And drown'd me like a flood. 78. Ah, that I now a being have, In sorrow and in pain; Mother, would you had been my grave, But this I wish in vain. 79. Had I been made a cockatrice, A toad, or such-like thing; Yea, had I been made snow or ice, Then had I had no sin; 80.

And now when busy crowds retire To take their evening rest, The hermit trimm'd his little fire, And cheer'd his pensive guest: And spread his vegetable store, And gayly prest, and smil'd; And skill'd in legendary lore, The lingering hours beguil'd. Around in sympathetic mirth Its tricks the kitten tries, The cricket chirrups in the hearth; The crackling faggot flies.

The skies were its birth-place the TEAR was the child Of the dark maiden SORROW, by young JOY beguil'd; It was born in convulsion; 'twas nurtur'd in woe; And the world was yet young when it wander'd below.

Apples were they with which we were beguil'd Yet sin, not apples, hath our souls defil'd. Apples forbid, if eat, corrupt the blood; To eat such, when commanded, does us good. Drink of His flagons, then, thou church, His dove, And eat His apples, who are sick of love. Then said Matthew, I made the scruple, because I awhile since was sick with eating of fruit.