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Updated: November 2, 2024

He still survives, and is recommended for the Victoria Cross. He comes of a fighting Irish stock, and his great-grandfather captured the French Eagle at Barossa in the Peninsular War. He received his commission for gallantry in Egypt. But the day was won. The position was cleared. That charge finished the business.

The Keizerstuhl rises the highest point in the Barossa Range, the outline of which is really beautiful, and the Rhine that issues from its deep and secluded valleys flows northwards through their lands. In this neighbourhood Mr. Angas has a valuable property, as also the South Australian Company.

It is General Graham of Lynedoch Sir Thomas Graham. I scarcely know him, but I believe I admire him more than I do God." "I admire him a good deal myself," said I, "and have good reason to. I have fought with him, been beaten, and run away. Veni, victus sum, evasi." "What!" he cried. "You were at Barossa?"

Harriet afterwards married Edward Stirling, a close friend of my brother-in-law, Andrew Murray, and I was a great deal interested in the Stirlings and their eight children. Mr. William Bakewell, of Bartley & Bakewell, solicitors, married Jane Warren of Springfield, Barossa, and I was a familiar friend of their five children.

The veteran fell, indeed, like a shock of corn ripe for the garner, until it had been difficult to recognise in the feeble, nearly blind old man, upwards of ninety, the stout soldier of Barossa and Vittoria. But he carried with him many a memory which could never be recalled. Gallant captain though he was, his whole life was touched with tender romance.

The Barossa Range and the districts round it are exceedingly pretty. Here, at Bethany, the Germans who have fled from the religious persecution to which they were exposed in their own country have settled, and given the names of several places in their Fatherland to the features around them.

It is General Graham of Lynedoch- -Sir Thomas Graham. I scarcely know him, but I believe I admire him more than I do God. 'I admire him a good deal myself, said I, 'and have good reason to. I have fought with him, been beaten, and run away. Veni, victus sum, evasi. 'What! he cried. 'You were at Barossa?

At Barossa his bravery brought him into special notice, and at the San Sebastian he led a storming party, and was twice wounded in doing so. First of all he was shot through the right thigh; but though a storm of bullets was flying about, and men falling thick around him, he was up again, and pressed onward only to be again shot down.

'Now, then, you will understand! said the boy. 'I wish to please Sir Thomas: what would he do? 'Well, I can tell you a story, said I, 'a true one too, and about this very combat of Chiclana, or Barossa as you call it. I was in the Eighth of the Line; we lost the eagle of the First Battalion, more betoken, but it cost you dear.

"Now, then, you will understand!" said the boy. "I wish to please Sir Thomas: what would he do?" "Well, I can tell you a story," said I, "a true one too, and about this very combat of Chiclana, or Barossa as you call it. I was in the Eighth of the Line; we lost the eagle of the First Battalion, more betoken, but it cost you dear.

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