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She unlocked a drawer and returned to him with a bankbook in her hand. "Add that up," she directed, "and tell me how much I have." He drew a lead pencil from his pocket and quickly added up the total. "If you have not given any cheques since this was made up," he said calmly, "you have a credit balance of thirteen thousand, one hundred and eighteen pounds, nine shillings and fourpence.

I've been goin' over back bills and the bankbook and the checkbook and and well, I'm on my beam ends, that's where I am." "Why? Don't the books balance?" "They balance all right. That's what's kicked me over. If they're true course they can't be, but IF they are we've spent close to five thousand dollars since we made this town." "Indeed! Well?" "WELL! Five thousand dollars!

He had no appetite, and they could not afford to tempt him with delicacies. It was better, he said, that he should not eat, it was a saving. About the end of March he had got hold of Ona's bankbook, and learned that there was only three dollars left to them in the world.

The first was that he had never seen it among those returned to him when his bankbook had been made up; and the second was that Hannah had shared the bitter poverty of her nephew, and therefore could not have received and appropriated the money to her own uses.

They could not find on him either his purse, containing the five hundred francs, or the bankbook, or even his silver watch, a sacred heirloom left by his father, the fruiterer. On the fifth day he ventured into the Rue Dauphine, Curious glances followed him and he walked along with a furtive expression in his eyes and his head bent down.

When the shearing was done, and Swan had gone with his wagons to ship the clip, returning with his bankbook showing thousands in added wealth, a change came into her life, so radiant with the blossoms of a new happiness. Swan's big laugh was not so ready in his throat any more; his great hand seemed forgetful of its caress.

In the midst of the melee Marija recollected that she did not have her bankbook, and could not get her money anyway, so she fought her way out and started on a run for home. This was fortunate for her, for a few minutes later the police reserves arrived. In half an hour Marija was back, Teta Elzbieta with her, both of them breathless with running and sick with fear.

It explained a great deal that had puzzled him before; Mrs. Wasson's story and David's arrival at the mountain cabin. But most of all it explained why the Thorwald woman had sent him after Dick. She knew then, in spite of her protests to David, that Jud Clark had not killed Lucas. He paced the floor for an hour or two, sunk in thought, and then unlocked a desk drawer and took out his bankbook.