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And Roger ran down to the telephone. He was thoroughly frightened. "All right, Mr. Gale," came Baird's gruff bass, steady and slow, "I think I know what the trouble is and I wouldn't worry if I were you. I'll be there in about ten minutes." And it was hardly more than that when he came into Deborah's room. A moment he looked down at her. "Again?" he said.

There could be no science nor any skill in an encounter under such conditions. Baird partly ran and partly staggered and partly skated to where Taine faced him, snarling. He threw himself at the other man and then the sun vanished behind the bronze ship's hull, and only stars moved visibly in all the universe. But the sound of his impact was loud in Baird's ears inside the suit.

Of course he would always feel a warm gratitude for her trusting kindness, but when he no longer owed her money he could choose his own line of work. Rather bondage to some Hollywood Gashwiler than clowning in Baird's infamies! "Well, I'll try anything he gives me," he said at last, striving for the enthusiasm he could not feel. "You'll go big, too," said the girl.

When, in accordance with Baird's instructions, Susan Chapman took the note to Miss Starkweather, she walked through the tree-shaded streets, feeling as if she had suddenly found herself in a foreign country. To the inhabitants of Janway's Mills, certain parts of Willowfield stood for wealth, luxury, and decorous splendour. The Mills, which lived within itself, was easily impressed.

Gough returning to Ghizr, Baird took over command of Gupis, which was garrisoned by the 6th Kashmir Infantry, and I was brought down from Hunza to take over Baird's billet as staff officer. Shortly after, Fowler, R.E., was ordered to Chitral with his Bengal Sappers, and Edwardes, 2nd Bombay Infantry, to the same place, to take command of the Hunza Nagar Levies, which were now called out.

He realised that he had long ago given up expecting anything approaching such companionship, and that to indulge in it was to live in a new world. Baird's voice, his choice of words, his readiness and tact, the very carriage of his fine, silvering head, produced on him the effect of belonging to a new species of human being.

And he scribbled a few words on a scrap of paper with a stump of a pencil producing both rapidly from his pocket and thrusting it into Latimer's hand, trotted away contentedly down the long wet street. As he entered his rooms, Latimer glanced round at Baird's empty chair and wished he had found him sitting in it.

There was a sharp rattle of Springfield rifles from Baird's skirmishers, a third of a mile to our left and hidden from sight by the woods. In a moment came a crash of musketry which brought every man to his feet. Baird's skirmishers had been driven in, and his main line had hurled its thousands of bullets as the attacking enemy came into view.

A messenger had also been sent to the Kakalin, or rapids, twenty-one miles above, to notify Wish-tay-yun, the most accomplished guide through the difficult passes of the river, to be in readiness for our service on a specified day. In the mean time, we had leisure for one more party, and it was to be a "real Western hop." Everybody will remember that dance at Mrs. Baird's.

So at last I marched out in my proper rig almost straight into old Baird's arms!" "What on earth did you do?"