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They swung along in rapid rhythm under the rainbow-wall, looking for a place where it might be quickly cleared. And down all the length of Split-up Island they raced vainly, the shore crashing behind them as they fled. As they darted across the mouth of the back-channel to Roubeau Island they found themselves heading directly for an opening in the rim-ice.

The men before the cabin heard the ringing of his axe and smiled. Greenwich returned from across the island with the word that they were penned in. It was impossible to cross the back-channel. The blind Minook man began to sing, and the rest joined in with "Wonder if it's true? Does it seem so to you? Seems to me he's lying Oh, I wonder if it's true?"

We'll need three paddles, and I think we can get McPherson." "No need," the correspondent hastened to reply. "The back-channel is like adamant, and I'll be up by daybreak." "But I? Why not?" Baron Courbertin demanded. Frona laughed. "Remember, we haven't given you your first lessons yet." "And there'll hardly be time to-morrow," Jacob Welse added. "When she goes, she goes with a rush. St.

Soon will the water run free. Here is the canoe! Here we meet! The first lesson! Delightful! Delightful!" The next island below Split-up was known as Roubeau's Island, and was separated from the former by a narrow back-channel. Here, when the bottom had about dropped out of the trail, and with the dogs swimming as often as not, arrived St. Vincent the last man to travel the winter trail.

The island, like all its river brethren, stood higher at the upper end, and it was here that Donald and Davy had built their cabin and piled many cords of wood. The far shore was a full mile away, while between the island and the near shore lay a back-channel perhaps a hundred yards across.

What are you and I against the many?" "But there's my father and Baron Courbertin. Four determined people, acting together, may perform miracles, Gregory, dear. Trust me, it shall come out well." She kissed him and ran her hand through his hair, but the worried look did not depart. Jacob Welse crossed over the back-channel long before dark, and with him came Del, the baron, and Corliss.

Then Corliss pressed in through the crowd to Frona, and she lost what the man was saying. "What's up?" the engineer was asking. "Anything serious? Can I be of any use?" "Yes, yes." She caught his hand gratefully. "Get over the back-channel somehow and tell my father to come. Tell him that Gregory St.

Vincent to cross the back-channel." The baron, shivering barefooted, pulled out his watch. "Ten minutes to three," he chattered. "Hadn't you better go back and get your moccasins?" Frona asked. "There will be time." "And miss the magnificence? Hark!" From nowhere in particular a brisk crackling arose, then died away. The ice was in motion. Slowly, very slowly, it proceeded down stream.