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"Madaline," he began, "will you look at me, and see if my face brings back no dream, no memory to you? Yet how foolish I am to think of such a thing! How can you remember me when your baby-eyes rested on me for only a few minutes?" "I do not remember you," she said, gently "I have never seen you before."

She was therefore rising to leave; but Papias held her back and entreated her so pathetically with his blue baby-eyes not to take him away and spoil his pleasure that she yielded, though the opportunity was favorable for moving unobserved, as the woman in front of her was preparing to go and was shaking hands with her neighbor.

The dream was broken, however, for she opened her blue baby-eyes, and started up with astonishment and confusion to see the young stranger standing close before her.

She was therefore rising to leave; but Papias held her back and entreated her so pathetically with his blue baby-eyes not to take him away and spoil his pleasure that she yielded, though the opportunity was favorable for moving unobserved, as the woman in front of her was preparing to go and was shaking hands with her neighbor.

Little golden-head! you lie soft and safe, but often you seem to me to turn your dear eyes the baby-eyes that still know all to look out over the bar of heaven to search for me to bid me be at peace, at last. 'February 20. How delicious is the first breath of the spring! The almond trees are pink in the Campagna. The snow on the Sabine peaks is going.

He set the light down. "Doctor!" whispered the father, in a wild appeal against ay, it was against certainty. He snatched the candle, and tried the experiment himself. "She does not see at all. Can she be blind?" "Born blind." Yes, those pretty baby-eyes were dark quite dark. There was nothing painful nor unnatural in their look, save, perhaps, the blankness of gaze which I have before noticed.

It was the birthday of the little Prince: only one year since he had opened his baby-eyes on life and the day of his anniversary dawned radiantly. Then, suddenly, athwart the sunshine and the promise, like the cloud in a perfect sky in a day of June, the shadows gathered and darkened. The child was stricken.

If she might have closed her child's baby-eyes, and seen the lips which had not uttered their first "Mother!" stilled, and laid her away under the daisies, she would have sat there alone that night, and thanked Him who had given and taken away.

She had lifted her hand to remove it; and, catching the baby-eyes, so dark and shining, paused for a moment, and smiled. Jane, watching them, fell to desperate weeping. The "mere boy" had understood her potential possibilities of motherhood far better than she understood them herself. Having had one glimpse of her as "The Wife," his mind had leaped on, and seen her as "The Mother."

She was therefore rising to leave; but Papias held her back and entreated her so pathetically with his blue baby-eyes not to take him away and spoil his pleasure that she yielded, though the opportunity was favorable for moving unobserved, as the woman in front of her was preparing to go and was shaking hands with her neighbor.

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