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But while he contemplated this mental image, it shifted. The pilocarpin and atropin changed places. And this latter recollection seemed as distinct to him as the first had been. He fingered the three bottles, his brows bent. And across his mental travail floated another thought that brought him up all standing. Pilocarpin and atropin had exactly the opposite effect.

Whiffs of smelling-salts may be given; whisky, brandy or other quickly acting stimulant, not much diluted, play also be given. Camphor, a hypodermic dose of strychnin or atropin if deemed necessary, a hot-water bag over the heart, and massaging of the arms and legs to aid the return circulation, are all means which are generally successful in restoring the patient's circulation to normal.

Caffein may be used as a drug as well as given in coffee and tea. Atropin may be of value in some forms of hypotension. At times with a low systolic pressure, but a relatively high diastolic pressure, nitroglycerin is valuable. More or less actite hypotension may occur in hot weather or with overheating, often termed heat exhaustion.

Talley states that a hypodermic injection of from 1/50 to 1/25 grain of atropin produces the same paralytic and rapid heart effect in man. He advises the use of 1/25 grain of atropin in robust males, and 1/50 grain in females and in less robust males, and he has seen no serious trouble occur from such injections.

Cardiac Tonics: Digiralis, strophanthus, caffein, strychnin. 2. Cardiac Stimulants: Camphor, alcohol, ammonia. 3. Vasodilators: Nitrites, iodids, thyroid extract. 4. Cardiac Nutritives: Iron, calcium. 5. Cardiac Emergency Drugs: Ergot, suprarenal active principle, pituitary active principle, atropin, morphin, and also some of the drugs already mentioned.

Atropin has sometimes caused stimulation of the heart to more normal rapidity. Its benefit is generally only temporary, as most patients cannot take atropin regularly without having it cause a disagreeable drying of the throat and skin, a stimulation of the brain, and an undesired raising of the blood pressure, to say nothing of its action on the eyes.

Once in the car, headed for the nearest drug store, grasping wildly at the side or at the back of the seat every few moments as the district attorney skidded around curves and literally hurdled obstacles, I remembered a forgotten fact. Atropin! That was belladonna, simply another name for the drug. Shirley had procured the stuff for use in his eyes.

Atropin, or belladonna, is such a drug." For a moment I looked about at the others in the room. Had it been an accident, after all? Perhaps, if any of the others had been attacked, one might have suspected that it was. But they had not been affected at all, at least apparently. Yet there could be no doubt that it was the poisonous muscarin that had affected Mansfield.

He hesitated for several moments. Finally he looked up. "If Shirley is the criminal, and if he is above using as common a drug as atropin for killing another man, then then why isn't he above using it upon himself?" That struck me as easy to answer.

Almost coincidently with the administration of nitroglycerin or the amyl nitrite, a hypodermic injection of 1/8 or 1/6 grain of morphin sulphate should be given without atropin, as full relaxation is desired without any stimulation of atropin. Alcohol is also a valuable treatment of this pain, when the drugs mentioned are not at hand.