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The world so quickly readjusts itself after any loss, that the return of the departed would nearly always throw it, even the circle most interested, into confusion. Are the Enoch Ardens ever wanted?

The world so quickly readjusts itself after any loss, that the return of the departed would nearly always throw it, even the circle most interested, into confusion. Are the Enoch Ardens ever wanted?

They include fully a dozen highly ornamental kinds, with flowers of varying shades of colour. The following list includes some of the best and most beautiful of these varieties: Alba marginata. Ardens. Astreans. Aurore-de-Royghen. Baron G. Pyke. Beauté Celeste. Bessie Holdaway. Belle Merveille. Bijou des Amateurs. Cardinal. Charles Bowman. Comte de Flanders. Decus hortorum. Due de Provence.

"Three generations ago," said the Mouldiestwarp, "a little baby was stolen from Arden. Death came among the Ardens and that child became the heir to the name and the lands of Arden. The man who stole the child took it to a woman in Deptford, and gave it in charge to her to nurse.

"There are three white Mouldiwarps friends to thy house," she told him "the Mouldiwarp who is the badge, and the Mouldiwarp who is the crest, and the Great Mouldiwarp who sits on the green and white checkered field of the Ardens' shield of arms. It was the first two who talked of thee." "And how can I find my cousins and help them to find their father?"

'Ce choix spontané Messieurs me flatte beaucoup; et m'inspire des desirs les plus ardens de m'en montrer digne, au moins par la promptitude avec laquelle Je saisirai toute occasion de faire ce que Je pourrai pour contribuer á l'avantage des Arts et la celebrité de l'Academie. 'J'ai l'honneur d'etre avec toute la consideration possible, 'Messieurs,

Thou canst only choose some year in the past any year go into it and then seek for the treasure there and then." "I'll do it," Dickie said, "and then I may come back to you, mayn't I?" "If thou'rt not needed elsewhere. The Ardens stay where duty binds them, and go where duty calls." "But I'm not an Arden there," said Dickie sadly.

We have had the usual number of travelling Counts and Countesses, Yankees male and female, and a Yankee-Doodle-Dandy into the bargain, a smart young Virginia man. We have had friends of our own also, the Miss Ardens, young Mrs. Morritt and Anne Morritt, most agreeable visitors. Cadell came out here yesterday with his horn filled with good news.

It's so splendid, all the things the Ardens did in history, you know. But I don't want to turn people out and you know Edred came and saved me from those people. It feels hateful when I think perhaps they'll have to turn out just because I happened to turn up. Sometimes I feel as if I simply couldn't bear it." "You dear child!" she said; "of course you feel that.

Dexter's face at the window, and passed on with her image freshened in his heart, that he called in at the Ardens', after an unusually long absence, to spend an evening.