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"Anoder ob dem warmints has comed into my room, eh?" muttered the angered servant; "I'll sarve him wuss dan the oder one." "You will not find the task so easy; keep at my side, make no noise, and don't stir till I tell you." By this time, the embers on the hearth were so low that they gave out only a faint illumination, which extended but a foot or two into the room.

Same evening, our fine quarters in the Karlau crackled up in flame, the Bishop's winter firewood all along with it: this was provocation second. It is piercing cold; only blackened walls for us now in the Karlau or elsewhere. His Majesty, naturally much angered, orders for the morrow a dose of bomb-shells and red-hot balls. Plant a few mortars on the North side too, orders his Majesty.

Caleb, angered at finding a fox when he had looked for a hare, and at the attack the creature had made on him, dealt it a blow on the head with his heavy stick just one blow given on the impulse of the moment, but it killed the fox! He felt very bad at what he had done and began to think of consequences.

She saves him much worry and knows how to make all things smooth and easy. She will be a sweet wife for me. As I thought, it turned out badly. But there is one good thing about it, Niels has now run off of himself. The rector is greatly angered, but I rejoice in secret that he is rid of that dangerous man.

"You seen anything of Radford yet?" he inquired. "I ain't got anything on Radford," was the short reply. His tone angered the manager. "I ain't askin' if you've got anything on him," he returned. "But we missed more cattle yesterday, an' it looks mighty suspicious. Since we had that talk about Radford, when you told me it wasn't him doin' the rustlin' I've changed my mind a heap.

He is disgusted and angered at the intrusion, and proposes to send her a five-pound note, or perhaps ten pounds, and so end the matter. But Jane, whom he asks to write the letter for him, is touched with pity for the poor girl's forlornness and suffering, and writes an invitation to her to come to Chesterford and visit her for a week. She brings a Greek horse within the walls of her little Troy.

These sudden flashes of tenderness for Ditmar startled and angered her. She had experienced them before, and always had failed to account for their intrusion into a hatred she cherished.

"Well, reading then," he went on, wondering what he had said that angered her. And he made an elaborate explanation about "the necessity of meeting fixed charges" which he himself had fixed, about "fair share of prosperity," "everything more expensive," "the country better able to pay," "every one doing as we are," and so on.

"I'll land him in prison, if he doesn't pull out of it now," said Garrison, angered as much by Theodore's diabolical cleverness as he was by this premature publicity given to the story. "He has carried it all with a mighty high hand, assured of our fear to take the business into court.

And the looks they cast upon her were black and frowning, save and far worse where the merrier souls leered patronizingly into her face and chuckled unmentionable things. She was not frightened by this insolence, but angered; for it hurt her, and embittered the pleasurable home-coming.