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Even as the tiger slinks in dread from a pack of the red wild-dogs, so a regular force might well dread these flying horsemen. And it was Amir Khan that Nana Sahib, and the renegade French commander, Jean Baptiste, dreaded and distrusted. Overtures had been made to him without result. He was a wonderful leader. He had made the name of the Pindari feared throughout India.

So he crave at him as the driving of a ravening lion, and smiting him with his sword, clove him in twain and waited till his captains came up, when he told them what had passed and said to them. "Take each of you five thousand men and disperse round about the Wady, whilst I and the Banu Amir fall upon the enemy's van, shouting, Allaho Akbar God is Most Great!

Persons who met Burton and his friends enquired Irish-like if they were the party who had been put to death by the Amir of Harar. Everyone, indeed, was amazed to see them not only alive, but uninjured, and the Frank's temerity became the talk of the desert.

It is said that the Amir withholds this valuable article, fearing to glut the Berberah market: he has also forbidden the Harash, or coffee cultivators, to travel lest the art of tending the tree be lost.

The Amir Abubakr is said on his deathbed to have warned his son against the Gerad. When Ahmad reported his father's decease to Zayla, the Hajj Sharmarkay ordered a grand Maulid or Mass in honour of the departed. Since that time, however, there has been little intercourse and no cordiality between them.

At night, when all the City was still, came the walk under the evil-smelling boorka, the patrol through Jitha Megji's bustee, the quick turn into Amir Nath's Gully between the sleeping cattle and the dead walls, and then, last of all, Bisesa, and the deep, even breathing of the old woman who slept outside the door of the bare little room that Durga Charan allotted to his sister's daughter.

And he had known his Amir Khan well when he had told the Dewan that the fierce Pindari was gentle enough when it came to a matter of feminine beauty, for Bootea made an impression.

The animals went in two by two, Hurrah! The animals went in two by two, The elephant and the battery mul', and they all got into the Ark For to get out of the rain! Then I heard an old grizzled, long-haired Central Asian chief, who had come down with the Amir, asking questions of a native officer. "Now," said he, "in what manner was this wonderful thing done?"

Torture will not bring the truth. Mark you, Jamadar, I will make the compact with him. Do not lead an objection, but trust me." "But the dead Chief, Commander ?" "Yes, because of him; he loved his people. And the knowledge that yon dog has he would not have sacrificed." "But is Amir Khan to be unavenged?" the jamadar queried.

He picked himself up, and crouching in the hiding shadow of the bank hurried along for fifty yards; then he clambered up cautiously to the waste of white sand that was studded with the tents of the Pindari horsemen. On his right, floating up the hill in terraces, its marble white in the moonlight, was the palace where Amir Khan lay dead.