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This makes the process an infinite one, not possible to be completed at any school. Returning from the West immediately after my graduation, I was for ten years or so a teacher of young girls in seminaries much like my own Alma Mater. The best result to me of that experience has been the friendship of my pupils, a happiness which must last as long as life itself.

'What do you mean? You think that my husband ? 'I meant only to encourage you, my dear. 'You think that my husband has less sense of honour than Mr. Carnaby? Mrs. Strangeways looked wonderingly at her. 'How strange you are! Could I have dreamt of saying anything so ill-mannered? 'You implied it! exclaimed Alma, her voice thrilling on the note of indignation. 'How dare you so insult me!

'It wasn't very wise I've over-excited myself but I shall be all right tomorrow; and afterwards I'll behave more sensibly I promise He nodded; but Alma bent over him, and touched his forehead with her lips. 'You're in a fever, I suppose you know? 'I shall be all right tomorrow. Goodnight, dear.

The woodman who lived nearest the site of the story told most of the tale. Selina, the daughter of the Paddocks opposite, had been surprised that afternoon by receiving a letter from her once intended husband, then a corporal, but now a sergeant-major of dragoons, whom she had hitherto supposed to be one of the slain in the Battle of the Alma two or three years before.

And it came to pass that Alma said unto him, taking him by the hand: Believest thou in the power of Christ unto salvation? And he answered and said: Yea, I believe all the words that thou hast taught. And Alma said: If thou believest in the redemption of Christ thou canst be healed. And he said: Yea, I believe according to thy words.

"I was caught in the act, Alma," laughed Miss Joslyn, "but I guess I am too old and slow to be running about at night with valentines." "I like it the best of all," replied the little girl. "It was bought for me," she added in her own thought, and she was right.

She wore her brown-velvet, instead, looking quite modish, a sable wrap, gift of the groom, lending genuine magnificence. Alma was there, of course, in a beautiful fox scarf, also gift of the groom, and locked in a pale kind of tensity that made her seem more than ever like a little white flower to Leo Friedlander, the sole other attendant, and who during the ceremony yearned at her with his gaze.

"The Royal Picts Sergeant-Major Stanislas Anastasius Wilders McKay to be Ensign, vice Arrowsmith, killed in action." They had lost no time; the reward had followed quickly upon the gallant deed that deserved it. Barely a month had elapsed since the Alma, yet already he was an officer, bearing the Queen's commission, which he had won with his own right arm.

My husband smiled rather condescendingly, and though Alma praised me beyond measure I saw that she was secretly laughing as she said: "Our Margaret Mary is coming out, isn't she?" Nevertheless I persevered.

If Milton went to college, I repeat that Shakespeare had no other alma mater than the university of human nature, and that Robert Burns was not a college man. Our own Washington Irving never saw the inside of any higher institution of learning. I have already noted that the author of "Thanatopsis" went to college for only a single year.