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We're attacking on a mile front. If you took " "If I have to come back," said Tom, "I'll come the same way. You needn't worry." His advisor felt sufficiently squelched. And indeed, he had no cause to worry.

The abbot to whom Abélard refers so bitterly was Adam of St. Denis, who began his rule of the monastery about 1094. In 1106 this same Adam chose as his secretary one of the inmates of the monastery, Suger, destined shortly to become the most influential man in France through his position as advisor to Louis VI, and also the foremost historian of his time.

Michael's and its neighborhood occupying the only space through which there was any retreat. I found Sandy an old advisor. He was not only a religious man, but he professed to believe in a system for which I have no name. He was a genuine African, and had inherited some of the so-called magical powers, said to be possessed by African and eastern nations.

Nevertheless, I'm in and of the department of Latin of Johns Hopkins University. Name, Warren. Sit down." "Thanks," said the other. "Name, Jones. Profession, advertising advisor. Object, curiosity." "A. V. R. E. Jones; better known as Average Jones, I believe?" "'Experto crede! Being dog Latin for 'You seem to know all about it." The new-comer eyed his vis-a-vis. "Perhaps you er know Mr.

He would have put his hand into the fire for this clever little man, whom he admired so immensely. Once they discussed the ousting of Langdon. "It would be quite legal," Ruef contended. "The Mayor and Board have power to remove a district attorney and select his successor." Henry Ach, advisor of the boss, looked dubious. "I'm not sure of that. Moreover, it's bad politics.

He did not seem glad to see them. "We want to look at your books," said Cornish. "I suppose you will make no objection?" Roden bit his moustache and looked at the point of his pen. "You and Major White?" he suggested. "And this gentleman, who comes as our financial advisor." Roden raised his eyebrows rather insolently. "Ah may I ask who this gentleman is?" he said.

Bascom attempts to molest me, I shall take the matter to the courts and sue him for damages." "Your language is somewhat forcible, considering that you are supposed to be his pastor and spiritual advisor." "Very well; tell Mr. Bascom that as his spiritual advisor I strongly suggest that his spiritual condition will not be much improved by attempting to molest us here."

It is a journey of but five days, and later machines will make it in less! Commerce will come, and with it will come close communication. "I will accept this plaque with the understanding that I am but your friend and advisor. Too much power in the hands of one man is bad. Even though you trust me completely, there might be an unscrupulous successor. "And I must return to my world.

He paused a moment to estimate. "The capital is practically represented. Speaking as your legal advisor, I am obliged to say that you should not let the bank take such a risk as Mr. Whipple suggests. You are threatened with a staggering loss, but, after all, a high percent of money lost by defalcations is recovered made good wholly or in part." "Nearly a million dollars!" croaked old Sillsbee.

Napoleon believed that the time had come for him to seize the chief position in the French Government, but he did not dare as yet openly to have himself proclaimed as King. With his brother Lucien, and his advisor Talleyrand although Napoleon did not accept advice as a rule, but was guided by his own bold, brilliant ideas, he overthrew the Council of Five Hundred and abolished the Directory.