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"Can you tell me, Achang, why they build their houses on piles in this country?" asked Morris. "Because they have waterations here." "Have what?" demanded the questioner, while all the party laughed except the Bornean. "I never heard of waterations before." "When the water rise up high," Achang explained. "Inundations, you mean." "Yes; thunderations," added Achang.

"Slow her down, Wales," said Scott, after he had observed the situation of the saurian. The wheelman rang the jingle-bell, and the boat soon came down to half-speed. The five hunters, including Achang, had their rifles ready for use, though they still retained their seats.

I think I should like to live in one of them for a week or two," continued Morris. "You would not like it," said Achang, who had come with them to act as interpreter. "This is a walled town, with six miles of fortifications around it."

The edge of the chisel portion was parallel to the handle; but Achang explained that the Dyaks had another kind of biliong, with the cutting part at right angles with the handle, and this was used as an adze. While Lane, the carpenter, was ridiculing the tool, the Malays on shore moved to a tree in sight of the steamer, which had stopped her screw close to the sampan.

They swung it on a pole, and trotted along with their load as though it had been no burden at all. "They do that all day," said Achang. "Never get tired." "They have load enough to feed the village for a week," added the captain. "I should not care for the fun of feeding them another week, for I find hunting here very tame business." "My sintimints also," added Felix.

The next report that reached the ears of the party was followed by five more in quick succession; and the Bornean explained that the hunter had missed his aim five times out of six, but his victim turned over after the last one. "Mr. Scott is better with lasso than with rifle," criticised Achang, with a smile.

"Are you a pilot for this river, Achang?" asked Scott, as the party came together in the waist, the space forward of the engine. "I am; but there is not much piloting to be done, for all you have to do is to keep in the middle of the stream," replied the Bornean.

Each of the cabin party took his fowling-piece, while Achang had a rifle, and each of the sailors carried one, the latter to be used by the young men if they were wanted.

"Strange monkeys in here," continued Achang. "Not these," he added when he had obtained a sight of one of them. "These no good." All eyes were directed to the tree; and at least a dozen common monkeys were there, such as they had seen in the museums at home. The steamer continued on her course, and a couple of miles farther on the forest was inundated. Some of the trees appeared to be inhabited.

"Something up in the trees yonder, Captain," said Wales, as the boat approached some higher ground, which was not overflown with water, as most of the shore below had been. "Monkeys," added Achang, not at all excited. "I don't think I care to shoot monkeys unless it is for the purpose of examining them," said Louis. "They are too small game, and they are harmless creatures."