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While that principality remained in the hands of the house of Austria, the French dominions were surrounded on all sides by the possessions of that ambitious family, and might be invaded by superior forces from every quarter. * See Collection of State Papers by the earl of Clarendon, p. 302.

Massachusetts Historical Society: tribute to C.C. Emerson, 21; quality of its literature, 84; on Carlyle, 294. Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 193, 302, 307, 411. Materialism, 146, 391. Mather, Cotton: his Magnalia, 5-7; on Concord discord, 57; on New England Melancholy, 216; a borrower, 381. Mathew, Father, disciples, 368. Mayhew, Jonathan, Boston minister, 51.

Harper," said the Speaker, sadly, "offers the following resolution, and moves its adoption: 'Resolved, that the Committee on Incorporations be instructed to report House bill number 302, entitled "An act to incorporate the Pingsquit Railroad," by eleven-thirty o'clock to-morrow morning' the gentleman from Putnam, Mr. Bascom."

Leonard Bourdon demands, in the name of his section, the Gravilliers, a register on which to inscribe those who accept the Constitution, "in order that those who do not vote for it may be known." Souzay, IV. 159. Sauzay IV., 158. Moniteur, XVII., 302. Durand- Maillane. 150. "There are primary assemblies which have extended their deliberations beyond the acceptance of the Constitution.

Letters or Tour of Paul in 3 vols. 3000 Reprint of Bevis of Hampton for Roxburghe Club, Essay on the Neapolitan dialect, Can this prelate be Rogers's "Good Old Cardinal," who told the pleasant tale of the Bag of Gold, and is immortalised by the pencil of Landseer seated at table en famille with three of his velvet favourites? See Italy, fcp. 8vo, 1838, p. 302.

No details are given of their construction, but from Dr. Gilbert I learn that they were flat-bottomed. They were apparently about eighteen feet long. See page 302. There were three, and in addition a barge was taken from the quartermaster's department at Camp Mohave.

The temperature of air on entering the cylinder was 50 degrees Fah., on leaving 62 degrees Fah., or an increase of 12 degrees Fah. Without the water jacket and water injection for cooling the temperature it would have been 302 degrees Fah. The water injected into the cylinders per revolution was 0.81 gallon." We have in the foregoing a remarkable isothermal result.

'My attention has been directed to the evidence of Major Sir J.C. Willoughby, appearing at page 302 of the Minutes, in which he has given his version of the missing portions of this document.

2 Among the uses of the services of the ancestral temple, specified by Confucius and quoted on p. 302, was the distinguishing the order of descent in the royal House. Enabling him to perpetuate them in their brightness as pure blessing.

The Military population of the eleven States which seceded, according to the census of 1860, was 1,064,193. The entire number of Slaveholders in the Country at the same time was 383,637, but of these 77,335 lived in the Border States, so that the number in the Seceding States was only 306,302. Most of the small Slaveholders, however, were not Slave-owners, but Slave hirers, and Mr.