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We are frequently reminded that there are many millions of bonds which the Treasury is authorized under existing law to sell to reimburse the sums paid out of current revenues for the construction of the Panama Canal; and it is true that bonds to the amount of approximately $222,000,000 are now available for that purpose.

The Wyandots number at the present time 222 souls. Ten years ago there were 435. They occupy a reservation of 20,000 acres, lying between the Seneca and Shawnee reservations. This tribe was located for many years in North-western Ohio, whence they removed, pursuant to the terms of the treaty made with them in 1842, to a reservation within the present limits of Kansas.

Kotzebue's First Voyage, vol. iii. p. 222. The large claws or pincers of some of these crabs are most beautifully adapted, when drawn back, to form an operculum to the shell, nearly as perfect as the proper one originally belonging to the molluscous animal. I was assured, and as far as my observations went I found it so, that certain species of the hermit-crab always use certain species of shells.

In 1871, when the culture system was in full operation, there were 39,000 bouws, or 70,000 acres, under sugar-cane, giving employment to 222,000 native families, and ninety-seven sugar-mills had been started. One-third of the produce was delivered to Government at the rate of eight florins per picul, and the remaining two-thirds were sold by the manufacturers in open market.

There is more glitter of phrase than in the versions made, if I recollect right, by Ambrose Phillips, which are inserted in the Spectator, No. 222 and 229; but much less of that passionate emotion which marks the original. Most of my readers will remember that which begins,

With all the archaism of his diction and metre, Langland, even more than Chaucer, reflects the modernity of his age. Vision of Piers Plowman, i.,220, ed. Skeat. Ibid., i., 222. Even the universities were growing more national, for the war prevented Oxford students from seeking, after their English graduation, a wider career at Paris.

The foundation, however, appears to be traditional. Campbell, vol. ii. pp. 63, 55. "F. L. Journal," vol. vi. p. 191. Aberd. Eistedd." p. 227; "F. L. Journal," vol. vi. p. 183. Radloff, vol. i. p. 95, vol. iv. p. 109; Sébillot, "Contes," vol. ii. p. 8; Grimm, "Tales," vol. i. p. 162. Jahn, p. 199; Grohmann, pp. 19, 20, 18. Kuhn und Schwartz, pp. 220, 222. Rappold, p. 34.

It was learned that he roomed at the house of Mrs. McNevin, at 222 West Ninth, next door to Robinson's Opera House. Detective Jackson was stationed in the house and Witte and Bulmer in the saloon opposite. Just when it seemed as though their intended game had discovered the fact that the officers were after him and had left for parts unknown he was captured.

Harper, Anthony, I, p. 219. April, 1862. History of Woman Suffrage, I, p. 748. Harper, Anthony, I, pp. 218, 222. Emancipation, the Duty of Government, Ms., Lucy E. Anthony Collection. Reading that General Grant had returned 13 slaves to their masters, an indignant Susan B. Anthony wrote Mrs.

* The shooting at a wild fowl, and killing a man, is homicide by misadventure. Shooting at a pullet, without any design to take it away, is manslaughter; and with a design to take it away, is murder. 6 Sta. tr. 222. To shoot at the poultry of another, and thereby set fire to his house, is arson, in the opinion of some. Dalt. c. 116 1 Hale's P. C. 569, contra.