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It contained a draft for 205 pounds, 15 shillings, 11 pence, and the accompanying letter from a firm of solicitors showed that the remittance of a thousand dollars was the moiety of the proceeds of a clean-up on certain tailings taken over by the purchasers of the Battle Mountain tunnel.

The short, thick-set person assumed a mien of more intense abstraction than ever. The tall man in grey paused indefinitely before the brownstone stoop of the house numbered 205, then swung up the steps and into the vestibule. Here he halted, bending over to scrutinize the names on the letter-boxes.

Murray Jackson, suffices to launch 16 or 18 new boats annually, and for the repair of sixty steamers and lighters. These latter are usually 180 feet in length, 24 feet in width, and 8 feet in depth, and their displacement, when empty, is 120 tons. The dimensions of the largest steamers vary between 205 and 244 feet in length, and 25 and 26 feet in width.

It was apparently unknown to Morelli, nor is it mentioned by other critics. Morelli, ii. 205. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ii. 128. Mr. Claude Phillips, in the Gazette des Beaux Arts, 1884, p. 286, rightly admits Giorgione's authorship. This sketch is to be found in Van Dyck's note-book, now in possession of the Duke of Devonshire at Chatsworth.

Even in non-union fields the United Mine Workers have always been successful in getting thousands of miners to obey their order to strike. See Webb, History of Trade Unionism, p. 205 ff. This was demonstrated in the bitterly fought strike on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad in 1888.

Clarke's residence, 78-80. Lounsbury, Professor, Chaucer letter, 205. Love: in America, 143; the Arch Abolitionist, 306. Lowell, Charles: minister of the West Church, 11, 12, 52; on Kirkland, 27. Lowell, F.C., generosity, 276.

After a wait of three hours we got good rooms in the Mahinapua, a wee little bridal-parlor of a boat only 205 tons burthen; clean and comfortable; good service; good beds; good table, and no crowding. The seas danced her about like a duck, but she was safe and capable.

In no less than four several cases events obviously the same are attributed by the Korean annals to dates differing from those of the Nihongi by exactly two cycles; and in one important instance the Japanese work assigns to A.D. 205 an occurrence which the Tongkan* puts in the year 418. *Korean history. Its full title is Tong-kuk-lhong-kan.

* George Combe, "Tour of the United States," vol. I, p. 205. McMaster, "Acquisition of Industrial, Popular, and Political Rights of Man in America," p. 20. It was government by a property-owning class, but in comparison with other countries this class represented a fairly large and increasing proportion of the population.

We were not up last night till near three this morning; our numbers were 205 and 183. Our majority was but mince, but it was a popular Question, but Lord Sandwich is not a popular man; but I have lived long enough to have remembered other ministers less popular, if possible, and who have been since reverenced, and by the most respectable among those who had traduced them.