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As a further means of insuring the life of the ship in combat and also against accidents at sea, the Marceau is divided into 102 water-tight compartments and is fitted with torpedo defense netting.

The temperature frequently rises to 105, and the fever, instead of being intermittent, runs continuously with little, if any, diurnal variation. If the attack is not a very severe one the headache gradually subsides; the temperature falls to 102 or 103, and in the course of three or four days the disease begins to yield to treatment.

See the Freeman for Thursday December 25th, 1828. Ante, pp. 101, 102, note. In the preceding five chapters an attempt has been made to reduce to narrative form a great mass of heterogeneous material bearing upon the "Story" which it is the purpose of these volumes to relate.

M. Desprez undertook to be the medium through which the 102,000,000 were to be paid into the Treasury, and the three partners transferred the bands to him.

Unless approved by the Executive Department, the National Assembly shall have no right to abolish or curtail any of the following items: Items in connection with obligations of the Government according to law. Items necessitated by the observance of treaties. Items legally fixed. Successive appropriations continuing over a period. Art. 102.

In America commercial flying had begun in May of 1918 with the mail service between Washington, Philadelphia, and New York, which proved that mail carrying is a commercial possibility, and also demonstrated the remarkable reliability of the modern aeroplane by making 102 complete flights out of a possible total of 104 in November, 1918, at a cost of 0.777 of a dollar per mile.

John A. McClernand, April 2, 1850, "American Hist. Rev.," Oct., 1899. "Wharton's Digest," Sec. 295. "Collected Correspondence," p. 102. Ibid., p. 234, also Wharton's Digest, Vol. II, p. 190. "Collected Correspondence," p. 248. "Collected Correspondence," p. 286. Ibid., p. 262-263. Ibid., p. 276. "Collected Correspondence," p. 280. Ibid., pp. 294-302. "Messages and Papers of the Presidents," Vol.

In 1868, 112 foreign vessels, to the aggregate of 74,054 tons, and Spanish ships to the aggregate of 26,762 tons, entered the port of Manila. Nearly all the first came in ballast, but left with cargoes. The latter both came and left in freight. In 1868 the total exports amounted to $14,013,108; of this England alone accounted for $4,857,000, and the whole of the rest of Europe for only $102,477.

Between 103 and 102 there was the parochial workhouse, quite a long and imposing edifice. One evening, upon coming in from an outing, I found a letter he had written on the sitting-room table. He had left it with his card. He spoke of the shock he had received upon finding that next to 102 presumably 103 was the workhouse.

At the rate of 280 to the square mile he reckoned that they could easily contain 8,078,102,266,080 people.