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And while Irena and Boria, the Golden Date and the Lotus Flower, held the lights, and the desert men crowded about him with the eyes of wolves that are near to starving, he counted forth the money on the terrace at Halima's feet. And she gazed down at the glittering pieces as one that gazes upon a black fate.

These shirt-waist makers, all self-supporting, whose income and outlay are described above, were all with the exception of Irena Kovalova, who supported a family of four living away from home. Natalya lived with her mother and father. She did not do her own washing, though she made her own waists and those of her sister and mother.

Halima turned about, and went slowly in at her lighted doorway, followed by Irena and Boria. The heavy door of palm was shut behind them. The light was hidden. There was a great silence. It was broken by Sadok's voice screaming in his beard to Ben-Abid, "My money! Give me my money!" He snatched it with a howl, and went capering forth into the darkness.

There is the little Miloud bringing her the daggers." An Arab boy, with a beautiful face and a very dark skin, slipped on to the platform with two long, pointed knives in his hand. He laid them on the table before Irena, between the bouquets of orange blossom, jumped lightly down and disappeared.

He never uses the word "hilt" in connection with the weapon in question to designate the sword as a whole. "Hilt," both as a simple word and in compounds, is used only to designate the handle of the sword. The following terms are used for the sword as a whole: "bil," "sweord," "wǣpen," "mǣl," "īrena cyst." The word "hilt" is used seven times.

Before going into this second dancing-house Domini stopped again to see from outside what it was like, but only for an instant. Then a brightness came into her eyes, an eager look. "Yes, take me in here," she said. Batouch laughed softly, and Hadj uttered a word below his breath. "Madame will see Irena here," said Batouch, pushing the watching Arabs unceremoniously away. Domini did not answer.

The women, who had been quiet to hear him, burst forth again into a paroxysm of chatter. Irena looked utterly indifferent and walked feebly. The little procession disappeared in the moonlight accompanied by the crowd. "She has stabbed Hadj," Domini said. "Batouch will be glad." She did not feel as if she were sorry. Indeed, she thought she was glad too.

Irena was unusually tall, but her excessive narrowness, her tiny bones, and the delicate way in which she held herself deceived the eye and gave her a little appearance. "So she is; but who could be afraid of her? Why, I could pick her up and throw her over that moon of yours." "Madame is strong. Madame is like the lioness.

When the great tune had been played right through once, and a passionate roll of tomtoms announced its repetition, Irena suddenly shot out her tiny arms, brought her hands down on the knives, seized them and sprang to her feet. She had passed from lassitude to vivid energy with an abruptness that was almost demoniacal, and to an energy with which both mind and body seemed to blaze.

Batouch lowered his voice to a guttural whisper and spoke in Arabic, while Hadj, shifting uneasily on the end seat, glanced at him sideways out of his almond-shaped eyes. Domini heard the name "Irena," and guessed that Batouch was asking the Kabyle to send for her and make her dance.