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It was impossible to avoid assisting the Junta, in the extremity alluded to, as the neglected troops might have caused a dangerous émeute, which would have proved injurious to the interests of His Imperial Majesty.

She said, and truly, that it had been a wild plan to start from Paris that if she had seen me and had heard that I thought the émeute was at an end and that the report about the English was untrue, she should never have left her apartment.

Thomas concentrated the gaze of the audience upon the disturbers of the peace, her Majesty, known to everybody, was supposed to be the ringleader of the emeute. The story at once flew abroad, upon the wings of those swift birds of prey as she called them the Washington correspondents, and she was mentioned by name as the chief offender.

"You see, they began using their krises, sir, that night of the mess dinner." "Humph! Yes. Then they were hanging about with nothing to do but growl at each other. Oh, I don't think we need study that, my lad. You see, their attention will be taken up plenty to see, plenty to eat and drink and we shall have all our lads under arms and prepared for any little emeute.

He was making himself out a hero and a martyr! his coupe had been taken from him to assist in a barricade in that senseless emeute ten days ago; the coupe got smashed, the horses disappeared. He will buy one of your horses and coupe. "Leave it to me! I know where to dispose of the other two horses. At what hour do you want the money?" "Before I go to dinner at the club."

What! in order to humiliate, according to their judgment, a bad government, it is necessary to invent extravagances capable of destroying every species of government recompense rebellion against the laws crown foreign satellites for having shot French citizens in an émeute.

The three succeeding years of peace granted to England interrupted only by the mad emeute of Essex, and the silly intrigues of the King of Scotland enabled Elizabeth to direct all the energies of the State, which had so immensely increased in wealth during her reign, for the subjugation of the Irish revolt.

The work began, and presently ensued all the thumping, the trundling, the lifting and letting down, the raising and swallowing of dust, and the smells of turpentine, brass, pumice and woollen rags that go to characterize a housekeeper's émeute; and still, as the work progressed, Madame Delphine's heart grew light, and her little black eyes sparkled.

Nor could a similar regiment be spared from Jerusalem. The western towns were generally smaller in size, more homogeneous, and more tranquil. It was around the Levant that the popular émeute was most to be feared.

He is ceremonious, to give the devil his due. I'll find out to-morrow, though, without making Bella blush. Miss Bellasys is sure to know. I saw them exchanging confidences all this evening, and I am certain there were instigations to rebellion. Flora would delight in an émeute; she's a perfect Red Republican, that girl."