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Beside this painting hung the arms which Waverley had borne in the unfortunate civil war. The whole piece was beheld with admiration and deeper feelings.

Mutemus clypeos, Danaumque insignia nobis Aptemus. Then for the cup, Captain Waverley, it was wrought by the command of Saint Duthac, Abbot of Aberbrothock, for behoof of another baron of the house of Bradwardine, who had valiantly defended the patrimony of that monastery against certain encroaching nobles.

'In that case, said Waverley, determined not to spare civility, 'I should have thought a person of your appearance would not have been found on the road. 'Vera true, vera true, sir, replied the officer, 'but every why has its wherefore. Ye maun ken, the laird there bought a' thir beasts frae me to munt his troop, and agreed to pay for them according to the necessities and prices of the time.

I am by no means sure whether he then alluded to Waverley, as if he had mentioned it to me for the first time, for my memory has greatly failed me touching this, or whether he alluded to it, as in fact appears to have been the case, as having been commenced and laid aside several years before, but I well recollect that he consulted me with his usual openness and candour respecting his probability of succeeding as a novelist, and I confess my expectations were not very sanguine.

Flora, observing the Lowland ladies sneer at the comparison, produced some reasons to show that it was not altogether so absurd; but Rose, when asked for her opinion, gave it with animation in praise of Italian, which she had studied with Waverley's assistance. "She has a more correct ear than Flora, though a less accomplished musician," said Waverley to himself.

When Waverley spoke, her ear was exclusively filled with his voice, when others answered, her eye took its turn of observation, and seemed to watch his reply. Perhaps the delight which she experienced in the course of that evening, though transient, and followed by much sorrow, was in its nature the most pure and disinterested which the human mind is capable of enjoying.

The decree might have gone forth for Mr. Hodder's destruction, but Asa Waring was a man whose displeasure was not to be lightly incurred. "What's this I hear about your moving out of Hamilton Place, Mr. Waring? You'd better come up and take the Spaulding lot, in Waverley, across from us." "I am an old man, Mr. Plimpton," Asa Waring replied.

Say, with a thousand kind greetings, all that is dutiful and affectionate to Sir Everard and Aunt Rachel. Think of me as kindly as you can, speak of me as indulgently as your conscience will permit, and once more adieu. 'And adieu, my dear Waverley; many, many thanks for your kindness. Unplaid yourself on the first opportunity.

It is certain, from a letter of Ballantyne's at Abbotsford, a letter printed by Lockhart, September 15, 1810, that Ballantyne in 1810 saw at least the earlier portions of "Waverley," and it is clear enough that he had seen none of it before. If any friend did read it in 1805, it cannot have been Ballantyne, and may have been Erskine.

'Do not speak them speedily, said Waverley, much agitated, 'unless they are such as, I fear from your manner, I must not dare to anticipate. Let time let my future conduct let your brother's influence' 'Forgive me, Mr. Waverley, said Flora, her complexion a little heightened, but her voice firm and composed.