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Well, you know, poor Gibbs came to me a few days later you realise how gossip spreads in these places and said that he was hurt in his mind to think that Miss Maud should call him a water-wagtail. Servants' tattle, I suppose.

If it could have been granted to her to read Paula's and Orion's hearts, and see how they held her in remembrance, she would have found that to them she was no longer the childish water-wagtail, and that they knew how to value the sacrifice of her young life.

Some spiteful demon a friendly one, she thought led them past her, so close that her sharp ears could catch every word they said as they slowly walked on, or now and then stood still, dogged by the agile water-wagtail, who stole along parallel with them on the other side of the hedge.

The water-wagtail, heedless of Paula's hand held out to help her, slipped through the gap so nimbly that it was evident that she had not long ceased surmounting such obstacles in her games with Mary. As swift as the wind she came down on her feet, holding out her arms to rush at Paula; but she suddenly let them fall in visible hesitancy, and drew back a step.

When about 360 leagues westwards of Ferro, another water-wagtail was seen; and on Tuesday the 18th September, Martin Alonso Pinzon, being before in the Pinta which was an excellent sailer, lay to for the admiral, and reported that he had seen a numerous flock of birds flying westwards, from which he had hopes of discovering land that night, at about fifteen leagues to the northwards, and even fancied he had seen it: But the admiral did not credit this, and would not lose time by deviating from his course in search of the supposed land, though all the people were much inclined to have made the attempt.

A storm was gathering, she could see it approaching and beyond it, like another murky, death-dealing thunder-cloud, was the pestilence, the fearful pestilence. And it was she, a fragile, feeble girl a volatile water-wagtail who had brought all these terrors down on them, who had opened the sluice-gates through which ruin was now beginning to pour in on all around her.

But an obstacle intervened before he could do so. A large and splendid barge had drawn up close to the platform, and shouts were heard from the tribune and from the mob which had till now looked on in breathless suspense and profound silence: "Susannah's barge!" "Look at the Nile, look at the river!" "It is the water-wagtail Philammon's rich heiress!" "A pretty sight!"

But he said no more, for the bedroom door was suddenly thrown open and Eudoxia's high, thin voice was heard saying: "But why make any fuss? Mary will be enchanted! Here, Child, here is your long-lost friend! Such a surprise!" And the water-wagtail, pushed forward by no gentle hand, appeared within the doorway.

A storm was gathering, she could see it approaching and beyond it, like another murky, death-dealing thunder-cloud, was the pestilence, the fearful pestilence. And it was she, a fragile, feeble girl a volatile water-wagtail who had brought all these terrors down on them, who had opened the sluice-gates through which ruin was now beginning to pour in on all around her.

The water-wagtail, heedless of Paula's hand held out to help her, slipped through the gap so nimbly that it was evident that she had not long ceased surmounting such obstacles in her games with Mary. As swift as the wind she came down on her feet, holding out her arms to rush at Paula; but she suddenly let them fall in visible hesitancy, and drew back a step.