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A mad bull is nothing to my friend if you speak of Vivisection." Ovid looked at him steadily, when he uttered the last word. Benjulia looked back, just as steadily at Ovid. At the moment of that reciprocal scrutiny, did the two men suspect each other? Ovid, on his side, determined not to leave the house without putting his suspicions to the test.

I am against cruel vivisection as I am against a cruel anti-Christmas asceticism, because they both involve the upsetting of existing fellowships and the shocking of normal good feelings for the sake of something that is intellectual, fanciful, and remote.

To go whining after an old Jew fable in these days of progress! Why, what do you think is the last discovery about light?" "You will allow this much in excuse for their being so misled," returned Helen, with some bitterness, "that the old fable pretends at least to provide help for sore hearts; and except it be vivisection, I " "Do be serious, Helen," interrupted George.

On the subject of vivisection, however his biographer says: "It must be laid to the credit of his reason and the firm balance of his judgment that although vivisection was a subject he could not endure even to have mentioned, yet, with all his imagination and sensibility, he never ranged himself among the opponents of this method of inquiry, provided, of course, it was limited, as in England, with the utmost rigour possible."

Balmordan didn't fit her picture of a Devagas leader too badly. His manner and talk were easygoing and agreeable. But his particular brand of ogle, when she first became aware of it, had been disquieting. Rather like a biologist planning the details of an interesting vivisection. Of course he was a biologist. But Trigger kept wondering why Lyad had invited him to dinner.

Cities of the Past . Later she became interested in social questions and philanthropic work, and wrote many books on these and kindred subjects, including Criminals, Idiots, Women and Minors , Darwinism in Morals , and Scientific Spirit of the Age . She was a strong opponent of vivisection.

"Excuse me," she said coldly, "my ideas cannot possibly interest you." "On the contrary, you interest me profoundly," he corrected quickly. She noticed the slight difference in his words and laughed more bitterly than before. "As what? a subject for vivisection? Get on your operating coat and bring your instruments without delay. The victim is all ready for you.

He would have had a man flogged who beat his wife; he would have had one flogged who ill-used a child or an animal: he was notedly opposed to any sweeping principle or practice of vivisection.

"Just think of the sufferings medical men are able to relieve nowadays in consequence of these researches." "Good authorities say that nothing useful has been discovered by vivisection that could not have been discovered without it," Beth rejoined. "And even if it had been the means of saving human life, that would not justify your employment of it.

When he had finished, the King looked at the bundle of presents, and at the guns, of which Stedman had given a very wonderful account, but answered nothing. "I guess," said Stedman, with a sigh, "that we will have to give him a little practical demonstration to help matters. I am sorry, but I think one of those goats has got to die. It's like vivisection.