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From the modern viewpoint, such land grants look colossal, but in those days the general opening up and development of the Western country had progressed to so slight an extent that the significance of giving away millions of acres of the public lands to encourage a precarious railroad enterprise was then no more than the passing over to capitalists today of exclusive rights in extensive tracts of territory in Brazil and the other South American Republics.

"Where have you been so long, Opal?" asked Mrs. Ledoux, with considerable anxiety. "At the Colony Club, ma mère I read a paper!" "Mon Dieu!" put in the Count, in an amused tone. "On what subject?" "On 'The Modern Ethical Viewpoint, Comte," she answered, nodding her little head sagely. "It was very convincing!

Hurd with the dash and confidence of a successful burglar, but of late the pursuit had lapsed to a mere occasional half-hearted fumble at the combination. However, he often came to tea. Tea was something tangibly of no great importance, but from Wilkinson's viewpoint a sop to his self-respect in the reflection that he was getting it from old man Hurd. Besides, it kept the proximity established.

More, the conversation with Mother Howard on the previous morning had been comforting; it had given a woman's viewpoint upon another woman's actions. And Fairchild intuitively believed she was correct. True, she had talked of others who might have hopes in regard to Anita Richmond; in fact, Fairchild had met one of those persons in the lawyer, Randolph Farrell.

There is need to magnify the national viewpoint to Americans throughout the land. More there is a demand for every living being in the United States to respect and abide by the laws of the Republic.

When he made his first appearance in the United States he was already at the top of the operatic ladder, and, although many attempts to dislodge him have been made, he stands still on the topmost rung. From a Personal Viewpoint

I get his viewpoint, all right; he's keen to pry off some real money, and he's afraid to experiment with new tools. But it does seem pretty raw to put you boys working on this cheap studio stuff after getting you out here to do something worth while." "We're to stay right here, then?" Weary spoke the question that was in the minds of all of them.

I do not want to marry him, I say." "How interesting. You surprise me, Miss Clinton. It appears, then, that our viewpoint is in nowise different, after all." "What do you mean by that?" "I leave it to your imagination, and to reflection. Listen! We may as well be friends. You do not wish to admit it, even to yourself, but you are in love with him.

"But," said Captain Moggs querulously, "it is necessary for this to be kept secret!" "Unfortunately," said Soames. "The story broke before that decision was made." He thought how inevitable it was that everybody should see the situation from their own viewpoint only. Captain Moggs from the military; Gail had a newspaper-woman's angle tempered with feminine compassion.

They got together, and out of that first simple discussion came all sorts of new difficulties for Delafield Methodism to face and master. Manford Conover was a preacher with a business man's training and viewpoint. He may have mentioned his official title, when he first appeared, but nobody remembered it.