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And so no single soul knew where he had gone, and he said to himself, somewhat bitterly, and quite untruthfully, that no single soul cared. He had paced the deck all night. The swift smooth motion of the boat, with a slight slow roll in it, was very soothing; and the first tremulous hints of the dawn, and the wonder of its slow unfolding, and the coming of the sun were things to be remembered.

To speak of the habitants of New France as downtrodden or oppressed, dispirited or despairing, like the peasantry of the old land in the days before the great Revolution, as some historians have done, is to speak untruthfully. These people were neither serfs nor peons. The habitant, as Charlevoix puts it, "breathed from his birth the air of liberty"; he had his rights and he maintained them.

"Wilks keeps his house in good order," said Hardy, looking round. "Yes," said the girl. "Wonder why he never married," said Hardy, musingly; "for my part I can't understand a man remaining single all his life; can you?" "I never think of such things," said Miss Nugent, coldly and untruthfully. "If it was only to have somebody to wait on him and keep his house clean," pursued Hardy, with malice.

He had not the Lawrence sense of expression and charm; he could not give to his heads the vivacity and flutter, the brilliance and witchery, of Sir Thomas's portraits. They both took up Reynolds's theory about it being 'a vulgar error to make things too like themselves, as though it were a merit to paint untruthfully.

I have tried them all, sir," he went on, laying his hand on Geraldine's arm, "all, without exception, and I declare to you, upon my honour, there is not one of them that has not been grossly and untruthfully overrated. People trifle with love. Now, I deny that love is a strong passion.

In your examination many and various points have been touched on, about which you refused to answer, or, when you did so, answered untruthfully. Of this we have certain proof. These points will now be read to you. What was then read was probably a summary of the articles of impeachment. Cauchon then continued: 'If, Joan, you now refuse to speak the truth, you will be put to the torture.

After all, they couldn't do anything else, Paul, but let me out. I've been playing perfectly rotten lately." "But but what's the matter? You don't look stale, chum." "I feel stale, just the same," answered Neil far from untruthfully. "But maybe you'll get in for a while; you're down with the subs," said Paul hopefully. "Maybe I will.

Jack looked straight into the officer’s eyes as he put the question bluntly. An officer of the Army or of the Navy must not answer a question untruthfully. Neither, as a rule, may he make an evasive answer. So the lieutenant commander thought a moment, before he replied: “I don’t feel that I know you well enough, Mr. Benson, to express an opinion that might be wholly fair to you.

Here in the fastnesses of the Southwest died at the age of forty-four the intrepid explorer of New France, whom Tonty called perhaps not untruthfully "one of the greatest men of this age."

Moreover, as matters went from bad to worse, this same lung trouble became a good excuse for preserving absolute silence on certain inconvenient occasions. When, however, Palikao was willing to speak he often did so untruthfully, repeatedly adding the suggestio falsi to the suppressio veri.