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An attack of pneumonia, or inflammation of the lung-substance sets in, as a rule, more suddenly, with fever, a temperature of 103° to 105°, general distress, headache, not unfrequently delirium; the urgency of which symptoms, the hurried breathing and the short, dry, hacking cough, and the tearless eyes are too often misinterpreted, and the state of the chest not examined.

On either side of this river is a thick and dry scrub sometimes ten, sometimes thirty miles wide. In this scrub, manna is not unfrequently found, to the great delight of the natives, who are very fond of it. It is of a very excellent description, and in colour has a slight tendency to pink. Adelaide itself is a well-laid out town.

Luxuriant parasites abound: here they form domes of flashing green, there they surround with verdure decayed trunks, and not unfrequently cluster into sylvan bowers, under which grateful sight! appears succulent grass. From the thinner thorns the bell-shaped nests of the Loxia depend, waving in the breeze, and the wood resounds with the cries of bright-winged choristers.

A farm servant not unfrequently gives from 12l. to 20l. for an animal which he intends to employ, not for purposes of profit, but in riding to church, or on occasions of festivity. Whence then are these funds derived? That the peasantry are generally frugal and sober I have already observed.

Not unfrequently there are layers of these coprolites, at different depths in the Lias, at a distance from any entire skeletons of the marine lizards from which they were derived; "as if," says Sir H. De la Beche, "the muddy bottom of the sea received small sudden accessions of matter from time to time, covering up the coprolites and other exuviae which had accumulated during the intervals."

A raccoon-skin cap or, as a piece of extravagant finery, a white-wool hat with a pair of heavy shoes, not unfrequently without the luxury of hose or, if with them, made of blue-woollen yarn, from the back of a sheep of the aforesaid flock completed the element of costume.

For there was this especial characteristic in Marie Antoinette's charity, that it did not proceed solely from kindness of heart and tenderness of disposition, though these were never wanting, but also from a settled principle of duty, which, in her opinion, imposed upon sovereigns, as a primary obligation, the task of watching over the welfare of their subjects as persons intrusted by Providence to their care; and such a feeling was obviously more to be depended upon as a constant motive for action than the most vivid emotion of the moment, which, if easily excited, is not unfrequently as easily overpowered by some fresh object.

A double error is here committed, and the consequences to the active-minded boy are not unfrequently the permanent loss both of health and of his envied superiority of intellect. In speaking of children of this description, Dr.

But, as is not unfrequently the case with such men, Jake seemed to bear a charmed life, and when knife, bullet, and rope, cut short the career of many less guilty men, Jake had hitherto managed to elude his captors at one time by strategy, at another by a bold dash for life, and sometimes by "luck." No one had a kind word for Jake, no one loved, though many feared, admired, and hated him.

Sometimes it was firm, when Christie, as she not unfrequently did, ventured to resist it; but gentle never. When Christie's mother died, all their friends said the little Redferns were very fortunate in having an Aunt Elsie to supply her place in the household; and in some respects they were.