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Then came a time when, tiring of his kingship, he journeyed south, leaving all behind, even his queen, Wonta, who, in her bed of cypresses and yarrow, came forth no more into the morning. About Fort Guidon they still gave him his title, and because of his guilelessness, sincerity, and generosity, Pierre called him "The Simple King."

The dolls, however much she pretended, were never glad, or sorry, or happy, or miserable they could not answer her when she talked to them, and their beautiful bright eyes had a hard unfeeling look which became very tiring, for it never changed. There was certainly Nurse Smith. She was alive and real enough; there was no necessity to "pretend" anything about her.

There was no doing anything with that pertinacity of hers. At Victoria he put her into the carriage which had been ordered for himself a characteristic action, for he had no petty selfishnesses. "Now, don't you go tiring yourself, my darling," he said, and took a cab on into the city. June went first to a back-street in Paddington, where Mrs.

Governments have been very resourceful in parrying agitation, in diverting it, in seeming to yield to it, and then cheating it of its objects, in tiring it out or evading it . . . . But the end, whether it comes soon or late, is quite certain to be always the same. “Constitutional Government in the United States." Woodrow Wilson, Ph.D., LL.D., President of Princeton University.

I followed him, and every now and then he stopped and looked back to see if I was coming. It was a tiring walk, for the sun struck down with unusual heat after the rain, and I began to think that I should have acted more wisely had I returned at once with my sweet stores.

The Apostle bestows most of his epistle against this distemper, and clearly and largely proves that the rest of Sabbaths and Canaan should teach men to look for further rest, which indeed is their happiness. What more welcome to men under personal afflictions, tiring duty, successions of sufferings, than rest?

Tiring of this as they came to the site of an old exposition bicycle race-track, they ran up and down the grass-covered sides until Perry reminded them that the morning would be over before they knew it, and started on a dogtrot for the goal. Cans there were in profusion, also a fascinating array of wreckage of other nature in this dump, which lay just north of the park.

The Bishop knew that he should not have let the confirmation in French Village on Little Tupper go to this late date in the season. He had arranged to come a month before. But Father Ponfret's illness had put him back at that time. Now he was worried. The early December dark was upon them. There was no road. The ponies were tiring. And there were yet twelve bad miles to go.

When the subaltern was ready the second elephant was ordered to kneel down for him; and he clambered up awkwardly and clung on tightly when the mahout, getting astride of the great neck, made it rise. Along a broad road cut through the forest the huge beasts lumbered with a plunging, swaying stride that was very tiring to a novice.

The great thing is to keep the sledge moving, and for an hour or more there were dozens of critical moments when it all but stopped, and not a few in it brought up altogether. The latter were very trying and tiring.