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Among the gems of such ornaments were the exquisite tablets and cameos made by Josiah Wedgwood, whose beautiful vases and miniature bottles, as well as tea-sets in the same wares, were so much admired. Waterford, Bristol, and Nailsea Ornaments of glass Enamels on metal. Glass is used in every home. It is seen in its ornamental forms, and is necessary in almost every department.

He is very kind. You shall have big wax dolls, as high as your heads, and doll-houses, and tea-sets, and beautiful blue and pink silk dresses, and every evening I shall take you out to ride in my carriage. Each of you shall have a white hat, with long, curling feathers. Will you come and live with me, and let me be your mamma?"

"Antiques?" "Yes, of the proper sort. Old Willow china and Sheffield plate. Copper lustre tea-sets and homespun bedspreads. And samplers! Oh, Azalea, I've three or four stunning samplers! One is dated 1812. That ought to bring a fine price." "I don't know about samplers. Of course, I know what they are, but what makes them valuable?" "Age, my dear. And authoritative dates.

Remembering with difficulty why I had come I went over to one of the stalls and examined porcelain vases and flowered tea-sets. At the door of the stall a young lady was talking and laughing with two young gentlemen. I remarked their English accents and listened vaguely to their conversation. "O, I never said such a thing!" "O, but you did!" "O, but I didn't!" "Didn't she say that?" "Yes.

There were toys for the kids and model engines for Dick and me, and a lot of books, and Japanese china tea-sets for the girls, red and white and gold there were sweets by the pound and by the box and long yards and yards of soft silk from India, to make frocks for the girls and a real Indian sword for Oswald and a book of Japanese pictures for Noel, and some ivory chess men for Dicky: the castles of the chessmen are elephant-and-castles.

While here, there and everywhere were scattered evidences of the high skill chocolate manufacturers are attaining to hatchets, saws, garden rakes, dolls' tea-sets, animals of every description all in the most delightful kind of chocolate. The children buzzed round the tables like eager flies, but Miss Bibby would not have them begin until their host had paid the visit he had promised.

Then there was a pyramid of perfumery done up in bottles enough to sweeten the handkerchiefs and dispositions of all the young ladies in New-York. Then there were silver and gold tea-sets, and dishes and trays, and knives and forks, for rich ladies who like to be tied to a bunch of keys, and sleep with one eye open.

"Command him to read on," replied Saveliitch, with perfect calmness. The Secretary continued: "One uniform in fine green cloth, seven roubles; one pair of white cloth pantaloons, five roubles; twelve shirts of Holland linen, with cuffs, ten roubles; one case containing a tea-service, two roubles." "What nonsense is this?" said Pougatcheff. "What have I to do with tea-sets and Holland cuffs?"

"We're going to find elephants with golden howdahs from which peep young maharanees with necklaces of rubies, and a dawn sea colored like the breast of a dove, and a white and green house filled with books and silver tea-sets." "And cookies?" "Cookies? Oh, most decidedly cookies. We've had enough of bread and porridge.

But when the two girls, instead of bringing forward their dolls and tea-sets with which to entertain their visitors, produced from their treasures two good-sized toy canal-boats, fully equipped with everything a canal-boat needed, he admitted to himself that girls who liked to sail boats might be good for something.