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This morning's meal was to be the last we should make at our friendly little tarn, whose opportune waters, ripe figs, miniature mountains, and imitation fortresses, will long linger in my recollection.

And the rapid Tarn, an image of perpetual youth, rushes on as it ever did since the face of Europe took its present form. As I write, other impressions come to mind of this ancient town on the edge of the great plain of Languedoc.

Still pursuing her solemn and melancholy discourse, the young lady followed the path, accompanied by the vicar. 'True, said the vicar, 'your mind is disturbed, but not by doubt. No; it is by truth. He glanced aside at the tarn where I had seen the phantom, and by which their path now led them 'You remember Parnell's pretty image?

The improvement is undoubted, but so is the absolute lack of interest and charm; at least, to those who are outside of the persiennes so uniformly closed against the summer sun. Albi, the veritable historic Albi, lies almost hidden upon a slope that leads down to the Tarn.

He was making, no doubt, for the little glen up which I fancied that he must have retreated on the first occasion when saw him. I set off walking round the tarn on my own side the left side expecting to anticipate him, and that he must pass me on his way up the little burnside. But I had miscalculated the distance, or the pace.

One morning, still in the month of July, I broke away from the charms of Ambialet, and shouldering again my old knapsack which, by travelling hundreds of miles in all weathers, had become disgracefully shabby, but which was a friend too well stitched together to be thrown aside on account of ill-looks I continued my journey up the valley of the Tarn.

I picked a meal in fear and trembling, half lying down to hide myself from the road; and I daresay I was as much concerned as if I had been a scout from Joani's band above upon the Lozere, or from Salomon's across the Tarn, in the old times of psalm-singing and blood.

The ascent, as they topped it, proved, however, to be concerned merely with crossing a spur, below which the path wound about the edge of a bowl-shaped hollow, rimmed and lined with dark-green, close-cropped grass; and at the bottom lay a tiny tarn. So steep were the sides that a broad band of green was reflected to the eyes bent down upon the still water.

"You are charged with the wilful murder of a young man named Victor Franklin," answered Dory. "His body was recovered from Longthorp Tarn this afternoon. You had better say nothing. Also with the theft of certain papers known to have been in his possession."

How often through these nights Nelly Sarratt lay awake, in her new white room in Mountain Ash Farm! the broad low window beside her open to the night, to that 'Venus's Looking Glass' of Loughrigg Tarn below her, and to the great heights beyond, now dissolving under the moon-magic, now rosy with dawn, and now wreathed in the floating cloud which crept in light and silver along the purple of the crags.