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He had lost an arm in Mexico, but single handed he would go into a fight, as an eater would go to a banquet. Kearney was a grandson of Judge Watts, who owned land and had a house in the town of Sherburne, and, in his boyhood days, Kearney spent some time here with his grandfather. We lay in the vicinity of Fairfax Court House through the day.

And I tell you, fellows, that when Stonewall Jackson prays it's time for the Yankees to weep." "You're probably right, Langdon," said Captain Sherburne, "but it's time for us to be going back, and we'll tell what we've seen to General Jackson." As they turned away a crunching in the snow on the other slope caused them to stop. The faces of men and then their figures appeared through the bushes.

Dick learned long afterward that it was the troop of Sherburne, but, for the present, the name of Sherburne was unknown to him. He merely felt that this was the vanguard of Jackson riding forward to set the trap. The men were now so near that they could be seen with the naked eye, and the sergeant said tersely: "At last we've seen what we were afraid we would see."

The cavalrymen, disciplined and eager, said nothing, but merely moved a little in order to see better along the road over which the enemy was advancing. The original defenders, who were infantry, talked in whispers, despite commands, and exchanged doubts and apprehensions. Harry walked up and down in front of the warehouse with Captain Sherburne, and both watched the road.

It had been a bitter disappointment to the Southern people, who expected to see Lee take Baltimore and Philadelphia, but the army itself was full of pride over its achievement in beating off numbers so much superior. It was for these reasons that Sherburne and those who rode with him felt pride and elation. They had seen the ranks of the army fill up again.

Come" he leaned forward, looking into the other's face "will you play it? They drew lots those people in the Bible. We will draw lots, and see, eh? and see?" "I accept the stake," said Sherburne, with a little gasp. Without a word they went upon that platform, shaped like an altar, and Pierre at once drew out a pack of cards, shuffling them with his mittened hands.

Our safety lies in rapid marching, giving the enemy no chance to gather a large force and trap us. Make the best of your time because we're up and away an hour after midnight." The young officers were asleep within ten minutes, but the vigilant riflemen patrolled the country in a wide circuit about them. Sherburne himself, although worn by hard riding, slept but little. Anxiety kept his eyes open.

Captain Sherburne, you have your instructions already. Now go, and bear in mind, both of you, that you are to bring back what you are sent to get, no matter what the cost. Prepare no excuses." There was a stern and ominous ring in his last words, and Harry and Sherburne, saluting, retired with all speed.

"I don't know, but here comes Captain Sherburne, and I'll ask him." Sherburne was approaching with long strides, his face flushed with enthusiasm. "What is it, Captain?" asked Harry. "What are the boys shouting about?" "The news has just reached them that Old Jack has been made a lieutenant-general.

Neither hurried, but both, kneeling, looked and looked at the card long before drawing and turning it over. The stake was weighty, and Pierre loved the game more than he cared about the stake. Sherburne cared nothing about the game, but all his soul seemed set upon the hazard. There was not a sound out of the night, nothing stirring but the Spirit of the North.