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The remand had produced evidence that the murdered man had been drinking heavily on the night of his death, and further evidence of the accused's professional vagabondage and destitution; it was shown, too, that for some time the archway in Glove Lane had been his favourite night haunt. He had been committed for trial in January. This time, despite misgivings, Keith had attended the police court.

By that time the charge would be made out, and we should, the inspector said, be up before the magistrate for a remand before the Court rose. As we drove along Piccadilly, my heart fell within me. All my dreams of those splendid, well-kept roads in the sunny South, of touring to all the gayest places on the Continent, and seeing all that was to be seen, had been shattered at a single blow.

Many other matters were proved, all of which were declared by the lawyer from Devizes to amount to nothing, and by the police authorities, who were prosecutors, to be very much. The magistrates of course ordered a remand, and ordered also that on the day named Sam Brattle should appear.

Jesse, through his counsel, in proper course, made application to forfeit Dodge's bond and remand him to jail, but the Hummel attorneys finally induced the Court, on the plea that to confine Dodge in jail would be detrimental to his already badly impaired health, to permit the prisoner to go free on a greatly increased bond, nevertheless restricting his movements to Harris County, Texas.

Then a soft, sweet strain of music was heard. It increased in volume until a thousand instruments seemed to blend into one melody. Suddenly, the vast assembly arose as one man and joined in a song of joy and thanksgiving. "Guide dear friend," whispered the king of Poland, "I am overcome, I cannot remain." "I feel faint," said Remand, "I fear I shall perish."

Some prisoner appeared to be crouching low in the vehicle, but, leaving him to take care of himself, Hewitt hurried into the station and shook Nettings by the hand. "Well," he said, "have you got the murderer of Rameau yet?" "No," Nettings growled. "Unless well, Goujon's under remand still, and, after all, I've been thinking that he may know something " "Pooh, nonsense!" Hewitt answered.

They drove into the city. "'Walk about Zion, and go round about her; tell the towers thereof. Mark ye well her bulwarks, consider her palaces, that ye may tell it to the generations following," said Paulus. "You quote from the writings of the ancient Hebrews," said Remand. "Yes; these 'holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost," was the answer.

If you have an objection to make, make it then, but it must be a good one to receive my attention. Remand the prisoners." No time was fixed for the trial of Alonzo Walling but it was understood that it follow immediately after Jackson's.

The rebuke was not too severe, because if the matter was to be left to the judgment of the people of Canada, it would have been far wiser to remand the negotiation originally to the authorities of the Dominion, with whom the United States could probably have come to an agreement much more readily than with the Imperial Government. On the 24th of September Sir Edward advised Mr.

"So this is the world renowned city," he said, "the new capital of the world to which we all must bow in submission; within whose borders sit judges and rulers the like of which for power and wisdom have never yet appeared. Truly, she is the rising light of the world. What say you, Remand?" "'Tis indeed a wondrous sight, your majesty. The reality far exceeds any reports that have come to us."